print("OLED Display_Motion sensor")
print("Date: 28/11/2023")
print("Created by Alif")

#Remarks: 4 steps to do before using OLED 
#1. Import OLED library & I2C library
#2. Declare the I2C Pin --> scl  & sda 
#3. Create an object name for your OLED
#4. You can use uour OLEd screen!

import Oled_motion.sensor
from machine import Pin, SoftI2C

Pin_scl_sda = SoftI2C(scl=Pin(22), sda = Pin(21))

#Create an object name using OOP (Object Oriented Programming)
#library name.class name
skrin = oled_library.SSD1306_I2C(width=128, height=64, i2c=Pin_scl_sda)

#Let's start using OLED
skrin.fill(0) #0 - for BLACK, 1 for WHITE
skrin.text("OLED susah Giler!",0,10,0) #A must!