#include <ESP32Servo.h>
#include <Wire.h>
#include <Adafruit_PWMServoDriver.h>
Adafruit_PWMServoDriver pwm = Adafruit_PWMServoDriver();
const int servo_pins[4][3] = {{1, 2, 0}, {4, 5, 3}, {8, 7, 9}, {11, 10, 12}};
const int SERVOMIN = 150; // Minimum pulse width
const int SERVOMAX = 600; // Maximum pulse width
// Define the delay between function calls (in milliseconds)
const unsigned long FUNCTION_DELAY = 2000; // 2 seconds
const unsigned long t = 2;
const unsigned long tt = 5;
void setup()
// Initialize the PCA9685 library
pwm.setPWMFreq(50); // Set the PWM frequency of the PCA9685 (you may need to adjust this)
// Initialize all servos
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
// Attach servo to PCA9685 channel
pwm.setPWM(servo_pins[i][j],0,0); // Initialize servos at their center position
void loop()
//Move Forward 10 step
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
// Move Spider Robot Forward Function
void moveLegServos_Forward()
// Control the servo actions for each leg
// Left side leg - Leg 1
moveLeg_Left_Forward(servo_pins[0][0], servo_pins[0][2], servo_pins[0][0]);
// Left side leg - Leg 4
moveLeg_Left_Forward(servo_pins[3][0], servo_pins[3][2], servo_pins[3][0]);
// Left side leg - Legs 1 and 4
for (int angle = 0; angle <= 90; angle += 2) {
int pulse = map(angle, 0, 180, SERVOMIN, SERVOMAX); // Map degrees to pulse length
pwm.setPWM(servo_pins[0][2], 0,pulse); // Initialize servos at the center position
pwm.setPWM(servo_pins[3][2], 0,pulse); // Initialize servos at the center position
// Right side leg - Leg 2
moveLeg_Right_Forward(servo_pins[1][0], servo_pins[1][2], servo_pins[1][0]);
// Right side leg - Leg 3
moveLeg_Right_Forward(servo_pins[2][0], servo_pins[2][2], servo_pins[2][0]);
// Right side leg - Legs 2 and 3
for (int angle = 180; angle >= 90; angle -= 2) {
int pulse = map(angle, 0, 180, SERVOMIN, SERVOMAX); // Map degrees to pulse length
pwm.setPWM(servo_pins[1][2], 0,pulse); // Initialize servos at the center position
pwm.setPWM(servo_pins[2][2], 0,pulse); // Initialize servos at the center position
// Move Spider Robot Backward Function
void moveLegServos_Backward()
// Control the servo actions for each leg
// Left side leg - Leg 1
moveLeg_Left_Backward(servo_pins[3][0], servo_pins[3][2], servo_pins[3][0]);
// Left side leg - Leg 4
moveLeg_Left_Backward(servo_pins[0][0], servo_pins[0][2], servo_pins[0][0]);
// Left side leg - Legs 1 and 4
for (int angle = 180; angle >= 90; angle -= 2) {
int pulse = map(angle, 0, 180, SERVOMIN, SERVOMAX); // Map degrees to pulse length
pwm.setPWM(servo_pins[0][2], 0,pulse); // Initialize servos at the center position
pwm.setPWM(servo_pins[3][2], 0,pulse); // Initialize servos at the center position
// Right side leg - Leg 2
moveLeg_Right_Backward(servo_pins[2][0], servo_pins[2][2], servo_pins[2][0]);
// Right side leg - Leg 3
moveLeg_Right_Backward(servo_pins[1][0], servo_pins[1][2], servo_pins[1][0]);
// Right side leg - Legs 2 and 3
for (int angle = 0; angle <= 90; angle += 2) {
int pulse = map(angle, 0, 180, SERVOMIN, SERVOMAX); // Map degrees to pulse length
pwm.setPWM(servo_pins[2][2], 0,pulse); // Initialize servos at the center position
pwm.setPWM(servo_pins[1][2], 0,pulse); // Initialize servos at the center position
// Move Spider Robot Forward logic
void moveLeg_Left_Forward(int liftServo, int pivotServo , int oppositePivotServo)
// Move the lift servo from 90 to 180
for (int angle = 90; angle <= 135; angle += 2) {
int pulse = map(angle, 0, 180, SERVOMIN, SERVOMAX); // Map degrees to pulse length
pwm.setPWM(liftServo, 0,pulse); // Initialize servos at the center position
// Move the pivot servo from 90 to 0
for (int angle = 90; angle >= 45; angle -= 2) {
int pulse = map(angle, 0, 180, SERVOMIN, SERVOMAX); // Map degrees to pulse length
pwm.setPWM(pivotServo, 0,pulse); // Initialize servos at the center position
// Move the lift servo from 180 to 90
for (int angle = 135; angle >= 90; angle -= 2) {
int pulse = map(angle, 0, 180, SERVOMIN, SERVOMAX); // Map degrees to pulse length
pwm.setPWM(liftServo, 0,pulse); // Initialize servos at the center position
void moveLeg_Right_Forward(int liftServo, int pivotServo , int oppositePivotServo)
// Move the lift servo from 90 to 180
for (int angle = 90; angle <= 135; angle += 2) {
int pulse = map(angle, 0, 180, SERVOMIN, SERVOMAX); // Map degrees to pulse length
pwm.setPWM(liftServo, 0,pulse); // Initialize servos at the center position
// Move the pivot servo from 90 to 180
for (int angle = 90; angle <= 135; angle += 2) {
int pulse = map(angle, 0, 180, SERVOMIN, SERVOMAX); // Map degrees to pulse length
pwm.setPWM(pivotServo, 0,pulse); // Initialize servos at the center position
// Move the lift servo from 180 to 90
for (int angle = 135; angle >= 90; angle -= 2) {
int pulse = map(angle, 0, 180, SERVOMIN, SERVOMAX); // Map degrees to pulse length
pwm.setPWM(liftServo, 0,pulse); // Initialize servos at the center position
// Move Spider Robot Backward logic
void moveLeg_Left_Backward(int liftServo, int pivotServo, int oppositePivotServo)
// Move the lift servo from 90 to 180
for (int angle = 90; angle <= 135; angle += 2) {
int pulse = map(angle, 0, 180, SERVOMIN, SERVOMAX); // Map degrees to pulse length
pwm.setPWM(liftServo, 0,pulse); // Initialize servos at the center position
// Move the pivot servo from 90 to 180
for (int angle = 90; angle <= 135; angle += 2) {
int pulse = map(angle, 0, 180, SERVOMIN, SERVOMAX); // Map degrees to pulse length
pwm.setPWM(pivotServo, 0,pulse); // Initialize servos at the center position
// Move the lift servo from 180 to 90
for (int angle = 135; angle >= 90; angle -= 2) {
int pulse = map(angle, 0, 180, SERVOMIN, SERVOMAX); // Map degrees to pulse length
pwm.setPWM(liftServo, 0,pulse); // Initialize servos at the center position
void moveLeg_Right_Backward(int liftServo, int pivotServo, int oppositePivotServo)
// Move the lift servo from 90 to 180
for (int angle = 90; angle <= 135; angle += 2) {
int pulse = map(angle, 0, 180, SERVOMIN, SERVOMAX); // Map degrees to pulse length
pwm.setPWM(liftServo, 0,pulse); // Initialize servos at the center position
// Move the pivot servo from 90 to 0
for (int angle = 90; angle >= 45; angle -= 2) {
int pulse = map(angle, 0, 180, SERVOMIN, SERVOMAX); // Map degrees to pulse length
pwm.setPWM(pivotServo, 0,pulse); // Initialize servos at the center position
// Move the lift servo from 180 to 90
for (int angle = 135; angle >= 90; angle -= 2) {
int pulse = map(angle, 0, 180, SERVOMIN, SERVOMAX); // Map degrees to pulse length
pwm.setPWM(liftServo, 0,pulse); // Initialize servos at the center position
// All Servos Centor function
void center_servos()
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
int pulse = map(90, 0, 180, SERVOMIN, SERVOMAX); // Map degrees to pulse length
pwm.setPWM(servo_pins[i][j], 0,pulse); // Initialize servos at the center position