#include <Wire.h>
#include <LiquidCrystal_I2C.h>
const int sunlightPin = A0; // Analog pin for LDR (simulating sunlight sensor)
const int rgbLedRedPin = 9; // Digital pin for Red component of RGB LED (simulating watering system)
const int rgbLedGreenPin = 10; // Digital pin for Green component of RGB LED
const int rgbLedBluePin = 11; // Digital pin for Blue component of RGB LED
const int buzzerPin = 12; // Digital pin for simulated buzzer
const int LCD_address = 0x27; // I2C address of the LCD module
const int LCD_columns = 16; // Number of columns in the LCD
const int LCD_rows = 2; // Number of rows in the LCD
int sunlightThresholdHigh = 800; // Adjust this threshold for high sunlight
LiquidCrystal_I2C lcd(LCD_address, LCD_columns, LCD_rows);
void setup() {
pinMode(sunlightPin, INPUT);
pinMode(rgbLedRedPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(rgbLedGreenPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(rgbLedBluePin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(buzzerPin, OUTPUT);
lcd.begin(LCD_columns, LCD_rows);
lcd.print("Automatic Watering");
lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
lcd.print("System - Wokwi");
void loop() {
int sunlightLevel = analogRead(sunlightPin);
Serial.print("Sunlight Level: ");
// Display sunlight level on the LCD
lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
lcd.print("Sunlight: ");
if (sunlightLevel > sunlightThresholdHigh) {
// High sunlight, simulate watering by changing RGB LED color to blue, activate the buzzer, and display a message on the LCD
alert("High Sunlight! Watering Plants");
} else {
// Sunlight within the normal range, stop watering simulation, turn off the buzzer, and turn off the RGB LED
delay(1000); // Adjust the delay based on your simulation needs
void simulateWatering() {
// Simulate watering by changing RGB LED color to blue, and activate the buzzer
digitalWrite(rgbLedRedPin, LOW);
digitalWrite(rgbLedGreenPin, LOW);
digitalWrite(rgbLedBluePin, HIGH);
tone(buzzerPin, 1000, 500);
void stopWatering() {
// Turn off simulated watering by turning off the RGB LED, and turning off the buzzer
digitalWrite(rgbLedRedPin, LOW);
digitalWrite(rgbLedGreenPin, LOW);
digitalWrite(rgbLedBluePin, LOW);
void alert(String message) {
// Display an alert message on the LCD
lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
lcd.print("ALERT: ");
lcd.setCursor(0, 1);