const int timeInterval1 = 2300; // Time between events in milliseconds
unsigned long timeNow1 = 0; // Timestamp for when the event was executed
const int timeInterval2 = 4200; // Time between events in milliseconds
unsigned long timeNow2 = 0; // Timestamp for when the event was executed
void setup()
void loop()
void timedEvent1()
// Is it time to execute the event code?
if (millis() - timeNow1 >= timeInterval1)
Serial.println("Timed event 1 occurred");
// Update the timestamp with the time at which the event was executed
timeNow1 = millis();
void timedEvent2()
if (millis() - timeNow2 >= timeInterval2)
Serial.println("Timed event 2 occurred");
timeNow2 = millis();