by dlloydev, January 2023.

Add Bounce to Digital Signals ⎍⎍⎍⎍⎍

🔵 Modes: Off, Rise, Fall, Both (0-3)
🔵 Duration: 50-5000 microseconds

  What is this used for?
  Adding bounce to relays, switches, sensors, tachometers, flow meters, pwm and clock signals
  to allow test and development of robust code when dealing with noisy signals.

   How to use?
   1. Click the PWM Breakout to set the frequency and duty.
   2. Click the Bounce Breakout to change the Mode and Duration (μs).
   3. View on the Scope Breakout, click it to change settings.
   4. Default settings for all chips can be changed in diagram.json
Loading chip...chip-bounce
Loading chip...chip-pwm
Loading chip...chip-scope