// by N M D Weerasinghe COTMd
//code to simulate the rotation of robot cart in an angle propotional to error in distance from wall
//distance sensor assumed to be kept always perpendicular to wall by some other means
//codes for uv sensor copied from wokwi examples(docs)
#define trigPin_1 8
#define echoPin_1 9
#define RmotorA_pin 3
#define RmotorB_Pin 4
#define RmotorPWM_pin 6
#define LmotorA_pin 2
#define LmotorB_Pin 7
#define LmotorPWM_pin 5
#define MAX_DISTANCE 400 //distance from wall, in cm
#define MAX_SPEED 80
#define base_speed 50 // speed used when forward(direct) motion
#define rotate_speed 30 //this is just a wild guess, need to change experimentally or otherwise if required.
#define Req_Distance 170 //required distance from wall, in cm, practically shoud less than half of MAX_DISTANCE
//#define k1 0.5 // propotional factor between error and heading angle
#define k2 0.3// propotional factor between delay time and rotate angle ,need to adjust experimentally
#define Max_Heading_Angle 80 //in degrees to avoid over rotating for large errors
#define offset 7 // to make Lmotorwheel speed = RmotorWheel Speed , to adjust experimentally
#define rotate_step 3 // in degrees, amount of rotation at a time. rotate delay amount depends on this
#define direct_move_step 5 // in mm , amount of directmotion at a time, direct move delay amount depends on this
int distance = 0;
int dist_error = 0; // error = Req_Distance - distance
int prv_dist_error = 0;
int heading_angle = 0; // theta marked in the diagram
int output_heading_angle = 0; // theta achieved
int theta = 0; //amount of rotation, parameter passed to rotate procedure
int movement = 0; // total amount of (direct) motion , for simulation purpose only
bool Heading_angle_ok = false;
float k1 = 0.0;
int read_UV_distance(int trig, int echo);
void rotate_robot(int angle, bool rotate_CW);
void direct_move_robot(int move_step, bool move_forward);
void setup() {
// put your setup code here, to run once:
for (int i=2; i<8; i++) // to put pins 2 to 7 in to output mode
pinMode(i, OUTPUT);
pinMode(trigPin_1, OUTPUT);
pinMode(echoPin_1, INPUT);
int max_Error = max(Req_Distance,MAX_DISTANCE-Req_Distance);
k1 = float(Max_Heading_Angle)/float(max_Error); // make k1 so that heading angle not exceed Max_Heading_Angle
Serial.print("k1 : ");
void loop() {
// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
distance = read_UV_distance(trigPin_1, echoPin_1);
prv_dist_error = dist_error; // should be before define/assign dist_error
dist_error = Req_Distance - distance;
//int delta_dist_error = dist_error - prv_dist_error;
heading_angle = k1*dist_error;
Serial.print("Error in distance : ");
//Serial.print("Heading angle : ");
Serial.print(" Output Heading angle : ");
//Serial.print("Total movement : ");
Heading_angle_ok = false ;
delay(50); // be carefull when introducing delays. large delay values may significantly lag other operations and hence cause faulty responses
// if need large delay values use some other methods (such as using millis())
while(not Heading_angle_ok) // rotate untill heading angle = k1 * dist_error // this is for simulation purpose only
if(abs(heading_angle - output_heading_angle) <= rotate_step) //this is for simulation purposes only. actual situation angle can't measure need to find solution for it
Heading_angle_ok = true ; //@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
bool rotate_clockwise = heading_angle > output_heading_angle;
//heading_angle += theta; // new heading angle is previous heading angle + amount of rotation
//theta = 0; //
int read_UV_distance(int trig, int echo)
digitalWrite(trigPin_1, HIGH);
delayMicroseconds(10); // be carefull when introducing delays. large delay values may significantly lag other operations and hence cause faulty responses
digitalWrite(trigPin_1, LOW);
// Read the result:
int duration = pulseIn(echoPin_1, HIGH);
int distance_cm = duration / 58;
//Serial.print("Distance in CM: ");
return distance_cm;
//Serial.print("Distance in inches: ");
//Serial.println(duration / 148);
void rotate_robot(int step_angle, bool rotate_CW)//
//theta = step_angle;
output_heading_angle += step_angle; //for simulation purpose only
//implement the code here to rotate step angle to suitable direction clockwise (say)
output_heading_angle -= step_angle;//for simulation purpose only
//implement the code here to rotate step angle to suitable direction clockwise (say)
//Serial.print("Output Heading angle : ");
void direct_move_robot(int move_step, bool move_forward) //
movement += move_step; // for simulation purpose only.
// implement code here to move the (adjustable) step size called by parameter passed in.