* TicTacToe - Oled - No pulldown resistors version
* It requires an Arduino Nano, Uno, Mini Pro, ...
* Hardware connections:
* DISPLAY - Arduino Nano/Uno
* VDD - 3.3V depending on your model
* SCL - A5
* SDA - A4
* Arduino pin 2 <-- button MOVE <--+----- GND
* Arduino pin 3 <-- button OK <--+
* Note: No need to use resistors, we use the internal pullup resistors
* Install the Adafruit SSD1306 libraries
* by Arduino IDE, menu Tools -> Manage Libraries
* apr/2022, Giovanni Verrua
* https://projecthub.arduino.cc/giobbino/easiest-tictactoe-with-and-without-an-oled-display-a9dd70
//including the needed libraries for the OLED display
#include <SPI.h>
#include <Wire.h>
#include <Adafruit_GFX.h>
#include <Adafruit_SSD1306.h>
#define BUTTON_MOVE 2
#define BUTTON_OK 3
// Declaration for an SSD1306 display connected to I2C (SDA, SCL pins)
#define OLED_RESET 4 // Reset pin # (or -1 if sharing Arduino reset pin)
Adafruit_SSD1306 display(128, 64, &Wire, OLED_RESET);
int gameStatus = 0;
int whosplaying = 0; //0 = Arduino, 1 = Human
int winner = -1; //-1 = Playing, 0 = Draw, 1 = Human, 2 = CPU
int board[]={0,0,0,
0,0,0}; //0 = blank, 1 = human (circle), 2 = computer (cross)
void playhuman() {
int humanMove = 0;
bool stayInLoop = true;
bool showDot = false;
long timerPos = millis()-1000;
while (stayInLoop) { //stay in loop until the player makes his/her choice hitting the OK button.
//If the current "?" position isn't avaliable (the cell value is 1 or 2), this loop will
//move the "?" to the next free cell.
//NOTE: there must be at least one empty cell (or it will never exit from this loop [deadlock]).
//This is granted, because if all the cells are used, there's a winner or it's a draft.
//(the calling function [loop function] check it before to continue).
while (board[humanMove] != 0) { //looking for an empty cell.
humanMove ++;
if (humanMove >8) humanMove = 0;
//this makes the flashing "?" possible. Every 200 milliseconds the IF condition becomes true and it will toogle the
//showDot variable between True and False (and reset the timerPos value at the current millis() value.
if (timerPos + 200 < millis()) {
timerPos = millis();
showDot = !showDot;
playhuman_showpos( humanMove, showDot); //calling the function that will draw (or delete) the "?"
if (digitalRead(BUTTON_MOVE)==LOW) { //the player hit the MOVE button.
playhuman_showpos( humanMove, false); //delete the marker
humanMove ++; //move the "?" to the next cell.
while (digitalRead(BUTTON_MOVE)==LOW); //debounce
bool showDot = false; //this two lines make sure the "?" is displayed
long timerPos =-1000; //at the first round.
if (digitalRead(BUTTON_OK )==LOW) stayInLoop = false; //the player hit the OK button and made his/her choice.
delay(100); //required for a correct display.
board[humanMove] = 1; //let's assign the chosen cell to the player.
void playhuman_showpos(int humanMove, bool showDot) { //this function draw a flashing "?" (white = draw, black = delete)
if (humanMove == 0) display.setCursor( 5, 5);
else if (humanMove == 1) display.setCursor(25, 5);
else if (humanMove == 2) display.setCursor(45, 5);
else if (humanMove == 3) display.setCursor( 5,25);
else if (humanMove == 4) display.setCursor(25,25);
else if (humanMove == 5) display.setCursor(45,25);
else if (humanMove == 6) display.setCursor( 5,45);
else if (humanMove == 7) display.setCursor(25,45);
else if (humanMove == 8) display.setCursor(45,45);
//if (showDot) {display.setTextColor(WHITE);display.print("?");} else {display.setTextColor(BLACK);display.print("?");}
if (showDot) display.setTextColor(WHITE); else display.setTextColor(BLACK);
void playcpu() {
//NOTE: The player has almost no chance to win, since the cpu will check every possible move.
// Actually the only way to beat the cpu is to have two winning move at the same time.
//The CPU has no real strategy, actually; it just prevents the player to win and put an "X" if it has
//a possible winning move. If no winning move are possible, it just put an "X" into a random place.
//It could seems a stupid AI, however you will see the CPU will play rather well and it will be
//hard to beat it.
int cpumove = checkboard(2); //2 = cpu let's check if there's a cpu's winner move
if (cpumove >=0) {
board[cpumove] = 2; //cpu's winner move
else {
cpumove = checkboard(1); //1=player check if the player has a chance to win (2 circles and an empty cell in a row)
if (cpumove >=0) {
board[cpumove] = 2; //this move will break the player's winner move
//there's no possible winner move neither for the cpu, nor for the human;: the CPU will put an "X" in a random cell
while (cpumove < 0) { //looking for a random, empty cell.
int randomMove = random(10);
if (randomMove >=0 && randomMove <=8 && board[randomMove] == 0) {
cpumove = randomMove;
board[cpumove] = 2; //let's assign the empty cell to the CPU
int checkboard(int x){ //x = 1 -> player, x = 2 -> cpu
//this function checks if the next move can be the winning move and return the cell that will
//win the game. It's used by the CPU to decide if it can win or if the player is going to win
//(and placing an "X" to prevent this chance).
//if no move wins the game, it returns -1
//the board[] index is 0 1 2
// 3 4 5
// 6 7 8
if (board[0]==0 && board[1]==x && board[2]==x) return 0; // 0 1 1
// . . .
// . . .
else if (board[0]==x && board[1]==0 && board[2]==x) return 1; // 1 0 1
// . . .
// . . .
else if (board[0]==x && board[1]==x && board[2]==0) return 2; // 1 1 0
// . . .
// . . .
else if (board[3]==0 && board[4]==x && board[5]==x) return 3; // . . .
// 0 1 1
// . . .
else if (board[3]==x && board[4]==0 && board[5]==x) return 4; // . . .
// 1 0 1
// . . .
else if (board[3]==x && board[4]==x && board[5]==0) return 5; // . . .
// 1 1 0
// . . .
else if (board[6]==0 && board[7]==x && board[8]==x) return 6; // . . .
// . . .
// 0 1 1
else if (board[6]==x && board[7]==0 && board[8]==x) return 7; // . . .
// . . .
// 1 0 1
else if (board[6]==x && board[7]==x && board[8]==0) return 8; // . . .
// . . .
// 1 1 0
else if (board[0]==0 && board[3]==x && board[6]==x) return 0; // 0 . .
// 1 . .
// 1 . .
else if (board[0]==x && board[3]==0 && board[6]==x) return 3; // 1 . .
// 0 . .
// 1 . .
else if (board[0]==x && board[3]==x && board[6]==0) return 6; // 1 . .
// 1 . .
// 0 . .
else if (board[1]==0 && board[4]==x && board[7]==x) return 1; // . 0 .
// . 1 .
// . 1 .
else if (board[1]==x && board[4]==0 && board[7]==x) return 4; // . 1 .
// . 0 .
// . 1 .
else if (board[1]==x && board[4]==x && board[7]==0) return 7; // . 1 .
// . 1 .
// . 0 .
else if (board[2]==0 && board[5]==x && board[8]==x) return 2; // . . 0
// . . 1
// . . 1
else if (board[2]==x && board[5]==0 && board[8]==x) return 5; // . . 1
// . . 0
// . . 1
else if (board[2]==x && board[5]==x && board[8]==0) return 8; // . . 1
// . . 1
// . . 0
else if (board[0]==0 && board[4]==x && board[8]==x) return 0; // 0 . .
// . 1 .
// . . 1
else if (board[0]==x && board[4]==0 && board[8]==x) return 4; // 1 . .
// . 0 .
// . . 1
else if (board[0]==x && board[4]==x && board[8]==0) return 8; // 1 . .
// . 1 .
// . . 0
else if (board[2]==0 && board[4]==x && board[6]==x) return 2; // . . 0
// . 1 .
// 1 . .
else if (board[2]==x && board[4]==0 && board[6]==x) return 4; // . . 1
// . 0 .
// 1 . .
else if (board[2]==x && board[4]==x && board[6]==0) return 6; // . . 1
// . 1 .
// 0 . .
else return -1;
void checkWinner() { //check the board to see if there is a winner
winner = 3; //3=draft, 1= winner->player, 2=winner->cpu
// circles win?
if (board[0]==1 && board[1]==1 && board[2]==1) winner=1;
else if (board[3]==1 && board[4]==1 && board[5]==1) winner=1;
else if (board[6]==1 && board[7]==1 && board[8]==1) winner=1;
else if (board[0]==1 && board[3]==1 && board[6]==1) winner=1;
else if (board[1]==1 && board[4]==1 && board[7]==1) winner=1;
else if (board[2]==1 && board[5]==1 && board[8]==1) winner=1;
else if (board[0]==1 && board[4]==1 && board[8]==1) winner=1;
else if (board[2]==1 && board[4]==1 && board[6]==1) winner=1;
// crosses win?
else if (board[0]==2 && board[1]==2 && board[2]==2) winner=2;
else if (board[3]==2 && board[4]==2 && board[5]==2) winner=2;
else if (board[6]==2 && board[7]==2 && board[8]==2) winner=2;
else if (board[0]==2 && board[3]==2 && board[6]==2) winner=2;
else if (board[1]==2 && board[4]==2 && board[7]==2) winner=2;
else if (board[2]==2 && board[5]==2 && board[8]==2) winner=2;
else if (board[0]==2 && board[4]==2 && board[8]==2) winner=2;
else if (board[2]==2 && board[4]==2 && board[6]==2) winner=2;
if (winner == 3) {
for(int i=0;i<9;i++) if (board[i]==0) winner=0; //there are some empty cells yet.
void resetGame() {
for(int i=0;i<9;i++) board[i]=0; //Resetting the board. 0 = empty cell, 1 = player circle, 2 = CPU cross
winner = 0;
gameStatus = 0;
void boardDrawing() {
display.drawFastHLine(0, 21, 64, WHITE); //horizontal lines
display.drawFastHLine(0, 42, 64, WHITE);
display.drawFastVLine(21, 0, 64, WHITE); //vertical lines
display.drawFastVLine(42, 0, 64, WHITE);
//drawing the content of the nine cells: " ", "o", "x"
display.setCursor( 5, 5); display.print(charBoard(0)); display.setCursor(25, 5); display.print(charBoard(1)); display.setCursor(45, 5); display.print(charBoard(2));
display.setCursor( 5,25); display.print(charBoard(3)); display.setCursor(25,25); display.print(charBoard(4)); display.setCursor(45,25); display.print(charBoard(5));
display.setCursor( 5,45); display.print(charBoard(6)); display.setCursor(25,45); display.print(charBoard(7)); display.setCursor(45,45); display.print(charBoard(8));
delay(200); //DON'T REMOVE!!!! needed for correct refresh and further flashing "?" when it's the player turn!!!
String charBoard(int x) {
if (board[x] == 0) return " ";
if (board[x] == 1) return "o";
if (board[x] == 2) return "x";
return "?"; //error trap; but it's impossible it can return an "?" because the board[] array is all initialized = 0
void setup() { //function executed once, at every boot or reset.
randomSeed(analogRead(0)); //resetting the random function behavior.
//using the internal pullup resistor, so the button will be LOW until a button is pressed.
pinMode(BUTTON_MOVE,INPUT_PULLUP); //Declaring the pin #2 as input (connected to the button move)
pinMode(BUTTON_OK ,INPUT_PULLUP); //Declaring the pin #3 as input (connected to the button ok)
//display.begin(); //if the display doesn't work with the beHIGH instruction,
//display.begin(SSD1306_SWITCHCAPVCC, 0x3D); //try one of these two ones.
display.begin(SSD1306_SWITCHCAPVCC, 0x3C);
delay(500); //needed for display correct initializing
display.clearDisplay(); //clearing the display
display.setTextColor(WHITE); //setting the display color
display.display(); //executing the above instructions. The SSD1306 dislay will not execute any command until to use the ::display() command.
whosplaying = 2; //deciding who's the first player. Set = 2 to force it entering in the folHIGHing while loop.
while ( whosplaying <0 || whosplaying > 1) whosplaying = random(2); //it will stay in the loop until whosplaying isn't = 0 or = 1. Probably there's no
//need for a loop, since random(2) should return 0 or 1, but I'm an old programmer,
//I've seen many strange things in my programmer life and I like to be sure ;-)
void loop() { //main loop. Endlessly executed by Arduino.
if (gameStatus == 0){ //this is where I always put a menu in the Arduino games I wrote. We don't need a menu here, so it's just a reset step.
boardDrawing(); //drawing an empty board
gameStatus = 1; //starting the game (see beHIGH)
winner = 0; //no winner for now (winner = 1: player, winner = 2: cpu).
if (gameStatus == 1){ //starting the game
while (winner == 0) { //game main loop: loop until no one wins the match.
if (whosplaying == 0) { //whosplaying = 0: cpu turn
display.setCursor( 72,25); display.print("CPU");
playcpu(); //in this function the CPU play its move.
whosplaying =1; //changing the turn.
else {
display.setCursor( 72,25); display.print("You");
playhuman(); //in this function the player makes his/her move.
whosplaying =0; //changing the turn.
boardDrawing(); //refreshing the board with all the moves already done.
checkWinner(); //this will check if there's a winner and assign the winner variable
if (winner > 0) {
if (winner == 3) {
display.setTextSize(2); display.setCursor( 68, 25);
else {
//showing who's the winner
display.setTextSize(2); display.setCursor( 72, 25);
if (winner == 1) { Serial.println(F("You")); display.print("You"); display.setCursor( 72, 45); display.print("win"); }
else { Serial.println(F("CPU")); display.print("CPU"); display.setCursor( 72, 45); display.print("wins");}
//debounce loop. It will not proceed until both buttons are unpressed.
while (digitalRead(BUTTON_MOVE)==HIGH && digitalRead(BUTTON_OK )==HIGH);
//swap the first move for the next match between CPU and human (one per match)
if (whosplaying == 0) whosplaying =1; else whosplaying =0;
gameStatus = 0; //entering the reset step
delay(1000); //just wait a second