/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  */
/* SpeedMath Game                                                                     */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  */
/* SpeedMath Game is a fun way to test your abilities at how fast you can  do math in your head.                                               */
/* The  game contains multiple ways of displaying arithmetic problems, including visually,  and auditorily.                                     */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  */
/* Instructions:                                                                                                                              */
/*  1. Start the game by waving at the IR sensor. The LED would turn green.                                                                    */
/*  2. The game has 3 levels (Easy, Medium, and Hard).                                                                                         */
/*  3. Click on 1 on the keypad to play the easy level, 2 for the medium level, and  3 for the hard level.                                      */
/*  4. There are  10 questions in each game.                                                                                                    */
/*  5. Make sure to answer quickly, the game is set by a timer for every question. The  timer is displayed on the LCD.                          */
/*  6. If you click  the wrong key, you can click on "D" on they keypad to erase the last typed number.                                         */
/*  7. To check your answer and move  on to the next question before the timer ends, click on "#" on the keypad.                                */
/*  8. If your answer is correct, the green RGB LED lights up. If it is wrong, the LED  turns red.                                              */
/*  9. You can adjust  the brightness of the LED by turning the knob of the potentiometer.                                                      */
/*  10. If you choose the easy level, you have 20 seconds to answer a "+", "-",  "*", or "" math question displayed on the LCD.                */
/*  11. If  you choose the medium level, only the operation is displayed on the LCD. You have  to observe how many times the blue LED blinks.    */
/*  12. The hard level is  similar, except that you have to listen carefully to the speaker and count how many  times it "buzzes"!               */
/*  13. For medium and hard levels, a duration  of a second separates the first number from the second.                                         */
/*  14. In these two levels, you only have 15 and 10 seconds to perform math operations  in your head on the two numbers and type your answers. */
/*  15. At the end of  each game, your game score is displayed on the LCD, and then your total game scores.                                     */
/*  16. If you decide to stop the game  at any time, you can click on "*" on the keypad.                                                        */
/*  17. Don't worry, you can play the game again at any time by waving at the IR sensor.                                                       */
/*  18. Have fun!                                                                                                                              */
/*  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  */
/* Made by Mariam Alzaabi                                                                                                                     */
/*  23/11/2020
/*  https://projecthub.arduino.cc/mariamalz/arduino-speedmath-game-6da118                                                                                                                                 */
/*  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  */

#include "Keypad.h" //Keypad library
#include "LiquidCrystal_I2C.h"  //LCD library
#include "EEPROM.h" //EEPROM library

// Defining Arduino  pins
const byte bluePin = 10; //PB2 attach pin D12 (PB2) Arduino to pin Blue  of RGB LED
const byte greenPin = 11; //PB3 attach pin D12 (PB3) Arduino to pin  Green of RGB LED
const byte redPin = 12; //PB4 attach pin D12 (PB4) Arduino to  pin Red of RGB LED
const byte speaker = 13; //PB5 attach pin D13 (PB5) Arduino  to speaker pin
const byte potentiometerPin = A0; //attach pin A0 Arduino to potentiometer  pin

// Creating pointers to port D and B registers
byte *ptr_to_PORTD;
byte  *ptr_to_PIND;
byte *ptr_to_DDRB;
byte *ptr_to_PORTB;

// New shapes  created for the LCD screen
byte smileyFace[] = { //Smiley face used for answers  checking
byte sadFace[] = { //Sad face used for answers checking
byte blankChar[] = { //Blank character used for M/H game levels

// Creating object from LCD library to control LCD
LiquidCrystal_I2C  lcd(0x27, 16, 2);

// Configuring Keypad using keypad library
const byte  ROWS = 4; //four rows
const byte COLS = 4; //four columns

// Defining  the keymap
char keys[ROWS][COLS] = {
  {'1', '2', '3', 'A'},
  {'4', '5', '6', 'B'},
  {'7', '8', '9', 'C'},
  {'*', '0', '#', 'D'}

byte  rowPins[ROWS] = {2, 3, 4, 5}; //connect to the row pinouts of the keypad
byte  colPins[COLS] = {6, 7, 8, 9}; //connect to the column pinouts of the keypad

//  Creating the keypad
Keypad keypad = Keypad( makeKeymap(keys), rowPins, colPins,  ROWS, COLS );

// Code for game implementation
namespace Game {
class  SpeedMath
    String input = ""; //used to get a string of  number inputs from the user
    int num1, num2, correctValue, op; //initialization  of int type
    String operation = ""; //type of operation used in the game  ("+", "-", "*", or "/")
    int numChar = 0; //used for determining the  number of characters used in typing a question

    char difficulty; //level  of difficuty chosen by the user (1-E, 2-M, or 3-H)
    byte score = 0; //score  is initially 0
    byte numQuestions = 10; //number of questioned asked, max  is 255
    bool playMode = false; //if user is in play mode
    bool isExited  = false; //if the game has already been exited
    bool levelChosen = false;  //if the level is chosen by the user
    bool setUp = false; //if the game has  already been exited
    bool gameStopped = false; //if the game has been stopped
    unsigned long delayStart = 0; //time the delay started
    bool delayRunning  = false; //true if still waiting for delay to finish
    int totScore = 0; //total  score of the player
    int addTotScore = 0; //address of the total score

    // Function used to generate random questions for the easy level game
    void  generateEasy(void) {
      lcd.clear(); //clear LCD screen and position the cursor  in the upper-left corner
      generateNumbers(1, 100, 1, 100, 1, 20, 1, 100);  //the range of randomly generated numbers
      lcd.print(String(num1) + operation  + String(num2) + "="); //print the question to the LCD
      numChar = countDigit(num1)  + countDigit(num2) + 2; //count the number of characters displayed on the LCD
      delayStart = millis(); //start delay
      delayRunning = true; //delay  is not finished yet

    // Function used to generate random questions  for the medium level game
    void generateMed(void) {
      lcd.clear();  //clear LCD screen and position the cursor in the upper-left corner
      generateNumbers(1,  10, 1, 10, 1, 10, 1, 10); //the range is [1, 10]
      lcd.print("Look carefully!");  //print to the LCD screen for 2 seconds
      lcd.clear();  //clear LCD screen and position the cursor in the upper-left corner
      for  (int i = 1; i <= num1; i++) { //used for blinking num1
        analogWrite(bluePin,  255); //writes an analog value (PWM wave) to blue pin for 250 ms
        analogWrite(bluePin, 0); //turn it off for 250 ms
      delay(1000); //wait for a second before blinking num2
      for  (int i = 1; i <= num2; i++) { //used for blinking num2
        analogWrite(bluePin,  255); //writes an analog value (PWM wave) to blue pin for 250 ms
        analogWrite(bluePin, 0); //turn it off for 250 ms
      delay(1000); //wait for a second before displaying the operation
      lcd.createChar(0, blankChar); //create a custom character for displaying the  question
      lcd.home(); //positions the cursor in the upper-left of the LCD
      lcd.write(0); //write the custom character to the LCD
      lcd.print(operation);  //print the operation to the LCD
      lcd.write(0); //write the custom character  to the LCD again
      lcd.print("="); //print the operation to the LCD
      numChar = 4; //number of characters on the LCD
      delayStart = millis();  //start delay
      delayRunning = true; //delay not finished yet

    // Function used to generate random questions for the hard level game
    void  generateHard(void) {
      lcd.clear(); //clear LCD screen and position the cursor  in the upper-left corner
      generateNumbers(1, 10, 1, 10, 1, 10, 1, 10); //the  range is [1, 10]
      lcd.print("Listen carefully!"); //print to the LCD for  2 seconds
      lcd.clear(); //clear LCD screen and position  the cursor in the upper-left corner
      for (int i = 1; i <= num1; i++) { //used  for "buzzing" num1
        tone(speaker, 1000); //start speaker sound for 250ms
        noTone(speaker); //Stop buzzing
      delay(1000);  //wait for a second before "buzzing" num2
      for (int i = 1; i <= num2;  i++) { //used for "buzzing" num1
        tone(speaker, 1000); //start speaker  sound for 250ms
        noTone(speaker); //Stop buzzing
      delay(1000); //wait for a second before displaying the operation
      lcd.createChar(0, blankChar); //create a custom character for displaying the  question
      lcd.home(); //positions the cursor in the upper-left of the LCD
      lcd.write(0); //write the custom character to the LCD
      lcd.print(operation);  //print the operation to the LCD
      lcd.write(0); //write the custom character  to the LCD again
      lcd.print("="); //print the operation to the LCD
      numChar = 4; //number of characters on the LCD
      delayStart = millis();  //start delay
      delayRunning = true; //delay not finished yet

    // Function used to reset values after each question
    void clean() {
      num1 = num2 = correctValue = 0;
      input = "";
      numChar =  0;

    // Function used to count the number of digits in a number
    int countDigit(int n) {
      int count = 0;
      while (n != 0) {
        n = n / 10;
      return count;

    // Function used to generate the numbers for the game in the range [1, 255]
    void generateNumbers(byte minAdd, byte maxAdd, byte minSub, byte maxSub, byte  minMul, byte maxMul, byte minDiv, byte maxDiv) {
      op = random(1, 5); //generate  a random number [1,4] for the type of operation
      // Switch statement used  for performing mathematical calculation
      switch (op) {
        case (1):  //if the random number is "1", perform addition
          operation = "+";  //type of operation is addition
          num1 = random(minAdd, maxAdd); //generate  a random number [1-99] for the first operand
          num2 = random(minAdd,  maxAdd); //generate a random number [1-99] for the second operand
          correctValue  = num1 + num2; //perform addition
        case (2): //if  the random number is "2", perform subtraction
          operation = "-";  //type of operation is subtraction
          num1 = random(minSub, maxSub); //generate  a random number [1-99] for the first operand
          num2 = random(minSub,  maxSub); //generate a random number [1-99] for the second operand
          while  (num1 < num2) { //calculation results cannot be negative
            num2 = random(minSub,  maxSub);
          correctValue = num1 - num2; //perform subtraction
        case (3): //if the random number is "3", perform multiplication
          operation = "x"; //type of operation is multiplication
          num1  = random(minMul, maxMul); //generate a random number [1-19] for the first operand
          num2 = random(minMul, maxMul); //generate a random number [1-19] for the  second operand
          correctValue = num1 * num2; //perform multiplication
        case (4): //if the random number is "4", perform division
          operation = "/"; //type of operation is division
          num1 =  random(minDiv, maxDiv); //generate a random number [1-99] for the first operand
          num2 = random(minDiv, maxDiv); //generate a random number [1-99] for the  second operand
          while ((num1 < num2) || ((num1 % num2) != 0)) { //calculation  results cannot be decimal
            num2 = random(minDiv, maxDiv);
          correctValue = num1 / num2; //perform division

    // Function used for initializing the game
    void  initGame() {
      lcd.clear(); //clear LCD screen and position the cursor in  the upper-left corner
      int potValue = analogRead(potentiometerPin) / 4;  //measure the potentiometer value (max 255)
      setColor(0, potValue, 0); //light  up the RGB LED with green color
      lcd.print("Hello!"); //print to the LCD  screen
      tone(speaker, 3000, 1000); //start speaker sound for 1 second
      setColor(0, 0, 0); //turn off green color
      lcd.clear();  //clear LCD screen and position the cursor in the upper-left corner
      lcd.print("Difficulty  "); //print to the LCD screen
      lcd.setCursor(2, 1); //sLevelet cursor to  the third position from the bottom
      lcd.print("1-E 2-M 3-H"); //print  to the LCD screen

    // Function used for setting up the game
    void setUpGame() {
      lcd.backlight(); //turn on blacklight
      setUp  = true; //the game has been set up
      isExited = false; //the game has not  been exited
      initGame(); //initialize the game
      char key;
      do  { //keep looping until a level is chosen and the user has not chosen to exit the  game
        key = keypad.getKey(); //value of a key being pressed
        if  ((key == '1') || (key == '2') || (key == '3')) { //if a level is chosen
          delay(1000);  //wait for a second before starting
          lcd.clear(); //clear LCD screen  and position the cursor in the upper-left corner
          levelChosen = true;  //level has been chosen
          difficulty = key; //sets difficulty level
          playMode = true; //user is now in play mode
          playGame(); //play  the game
        else if (key == '*') { //if user has chosen to  stop the game
          stopGame(); //stop the game
      } while  (((key != '1') && (key != '2') && (key != '3') && (levelChosen != true)) && (!isExited));

    // Function for playing the game based on difficulty level
    void playGame() {
      numQuestions -= 1; //decrement number of questions
      // Switch statement used for generating questions based on difficulty level
      switch (difficulty) {
        case ('1'): //if difficulty is easy
          generateEasy();  //generate random easy questions
        case ('2'): //if  difficulty is medium
          generateMed(); //generate random medium questions
        case ('3'): //if difficulty is hard
          generateHard();  //generate random hard questions

    // Function used to check if the inputted values match the correct values
    void checkAnswer() {
      lcd.clear(); //clear LCD screen and position the  cursor in the upper-left corner
      int potValue = analogRead(potentiometerPin)  / 4; //measure the potentiometer value (max 255)
      if (input.toInt() == correctValue)  { //if they match
        score += 1; //increment the score value
        tone(speaker,  4500, 800); //start speaker sound for 1 second
        lcd.createChar(0, smileyFace);  //create a custom character (smiley face)
        lcd.home(); //positions the  cursor in the upper-left of the LCD
        lcd.print("Correct!"); //print  to the LCD screen
        lcd.write(0); //write the custom character to the LCD
        setColor(0, potValue, 0); //light up the RGB LED with green color
      }  else { //if they do not match
        tone(speaker, 500, 800); //start speaker  sound for 1 second
        lcd.createChar(0, sadFace); //create a custom character  (sad face)
        lcd.home(); //positions the cursor in the upper-left of the  LCD
        lcd.print("Incorrect!"); //print to the LCD screen
        lcd.write(0);  //write the custom character to the LCD
        setColor(potValue, 0, 0); //light  up the RGB LED with red color
      delay(1000); //wait for 1 second
      setColor(0, 0, 0); //turn off RGB LED color
      lcd.clear(); //clear  LCD screen and position the cursor in the upper-left corner
      clean(); //reset  values

    //Function to check if there are questions left
    void  continueGame() {
      if (numQuestions > 0) { //if there are questions left
        checkAnswer(); //check the answer
        playGame(); //keep playing  the game
      } else if (numQuestions == 0 && playMode == true) { //if no questions  left
        checkAnswer(); //check the answer
        playMode = false; //user  has finished the game
        lcd.setCursor(5, 0); //set cursor to the sixth  position from the top
        lcd.print("Score:" + String(score) + "/10");  //print to the LCD screen
        delay(1500); //wait for 1.5 seconds
        lcd.clear();  //clear LCD screen and position the cursor in the upper-left corner
        lcd.print("Total  Score"); //print to the LCD screen
        lcd.setCursor(0, 1); //set cursor  to the first position from the bottom
        totScore = EEPROM.get(addTotScore,  totScore) + score; //update total score
        EEPROM.put(addTotScore, totScore);  //write total score to the EEPROM
        lcd.print(String(EEPROM.get(addTotScore,  totScore))); //print total score on the LCD from EEPROM

    // Function for stopping the game
    void stopGame() {
      if (!isExited)  { //stop the game if it has not been already stopped
        clean(); //reset  values
        lcd.clear(); //clear LCD screen and position the cursor in the  upper-left corner
        setColor(255, 0, 0); //light up the RGB LED with red  color
        lcd.setCursor(6, 0); //set cursor to the seventh position from  the top
        lcd.print("Good"); //print to the LCD screen
        lcd.setCursor(6,  1); //set cursor to the seventh position from the bottom
        lcd.print("Bye!");  //print to the LCD screen
        delay(2000); //clear everything after 2 seconds
        setColor(0, 0, 0); //turn off red color
        lcd.clear(); //clear  LCD screen and position the cursor in the upper-left corner
        clearGame();  //reset values

    // Function for resetting values after  every game
    void clearGame() {
      lcd.noBacklight(); //turn off backlight
      isExited = true; //the game has been stopped
      setUp = false; //the  game can be set up when it is on again
      numQuestions = 10; //the number  of questions is back to 10
      difficulty = NULL; //difficulty can be chosen  again later
      levelChosen = false; //level can be chosen again later
      score = 0; //reset the score

    // Function used when a number  is pressed on the Keypad
    void numPress(char num) {
      if (playMode)  { //if the user is in play mode
        lcd.setCursor(numChar, 0); //set the  cursor to the position after the printed characters
        input += num; //convert  the numbers to a string of numbers
        numChar += 1; //increment the number  of characters displayed on the LCD
        lcd.write(num); //write the number  to the LCD
        tone(speaker, 1000, 300); //start speaker sound for 1 second

    // Function used to delete a character typed during  the game
    void deleteChar() {
      if (input.length() != 0) { //if there  are characters typed by the user
        numChar -= 1; //decrement the number  of characters displayed on the LCD
        input.remove(input.length() - 1);  //remove the last character from the input string
        lcd.setCursor(numChar,  0); //set the cursor to the last position
        lcd.print(" "); //hide the  character from the LCD
        lcd.setCursor(numChar, 0); //set the cursor to  the last position

    // Use PWM to control the brightness  of the RGB LED [0-255]
    void setColor(int redValue, int greenValue, int blueValue)  {
      analogWrite(redPin, redValue); //writes an analog value (PWM wave) to  red pin
      analogWrite(greenPin, greenValue); //writes an analog value (PWM  wave) to green pin
      analogWrite(bluePin, blueValue); //writes an analog  value (PWM wave) to blue pin

    //Function used to set up the timer  based on difficulty level
    void setUpTimer() {
      // Switch statement  used for setting the timer based on difficulty level
      switch (difficulty)  {
        case ('1'): //if difficulty is easy
          setTimer(20); //sets  a timer of 20 seconds
        case ('2'): //if difficulty  is medium
          setTimer(15); //sets a timer of 10 seconds
        case ('3'): //if difficulty is hard
          setTimer(10); //sets a  timer of 10 seconds

    //Function  used to create the timer
    void setTimer(unsigned long inSeconds) {
      if  (playMode) { //if the game is in play mode
        if (inSeconds < 86400) { //maximum  is 23h:59m:59s = 86399 seconds
          bool secondPrinted = false; //can only  be printed once
          // Check if delay has timed out after 5 seconds
          if (delayRunning && ((millis() - delayStart) >= (inSeconds * 1000))) {
            delayRunning = false; //this code can only run once
            continueGame();  //continue playing the game
          else { //if the timer has  not timed out
            for (int i = 1; i <= inSeconds; i++) { //check if another  second has passed
              if ((delayRunning && ((millis() - delayStart)  >= ((inSeconds - i) * 1000))) && !secondPrinted) {
                secondPrinted  = true; //only check for the first correct condition
                displayTimer(i);  //display the timer on the LCD

    //Function used to display the timer on  the LCD
    void displayTimer(int totalSecond) {
      lcd.setCursor(0, 1);  //set the cursor to the first position from the bottom
      char timeFormat[8];  //for formatting the time

      //Return a formatted string in the form HH:MM:SS
      sprintf(timeFormat, "%02d:%02d:%02d", totalSecond / 3600, (totalSecond %  3600) / 60, totalSecond % 60);
      lcd.print(timeFormat); //print it to the  LCD

// Initializing an object of class SpeedMath
Game::SpeedMath  my_game;

// Setup code here, to run once
void setup() {
  lcd.init();  //initialize the LCD
  ptr_to_PORTD = 0x2B; //PORTD (port D) register address
  ptr_to_PIND = 0x29; //PIND (port D) register address
  *ptr_to_PORTD = B00000010;  //sets IR pin in PD1 as input
  ptr_to_DDRB = 0x24; //DDRB (port B) register  address
  ptr_to_PORTB = 0x25; //PORTB (port B) register address
  *ptr_to_DDRB  = B00111100; //sets speaker pin in PB5 and RGB pins in PB2/3/4 as output
  randomSeed(analogRead(0));  //seeds the random number generator (AnalogRead on pin 0)

// Main code,  to run repeatedly
void loop() {
  // Set up a timer based on difficulty level
  byte statusIRSensor = *ptr_to_PIND; //digitalRead(IRSensor);
  if (!my_game.setUp && ((statusIRSensor & B00000010) == LOW)) //if the game has  not been set up and an object has been detected
    my_game.setUpGame();  //set up the game
  char key = keypad.getKey(); //value of a key being  pressed
  if (key) { //if a key has been pressed
    // Switch statement used  when a key is pressed on the Keypad
    switch (key) {
      case 'A': //if  any of these are pressed nothing happens
      case 'B':
      case 'C':
      case 'D': //if 'D' is pressed
        my_game.deleteChar();  //delete the last character typed
      case '#': //if '#'  is pressed
        my_game.continueGame(); //check the answer then continue the  game if there are questions left
      case '*': //if '*' is  pressed
        my_game.stopGame(); //stop the game
      default:  //if a number is pressed
        my_game.numPress(key); //write the number to  the LCD and retrieve a string of the numbers pressed