const int ldrPin = A0; // Analog input pin for the LDR
const int buttonPin = 2; // Digital input pin for the push button
const int ledPin = 9; // Digital output pin for the LED
void setup() {
pinMode(ldrPin, INPUT);
pinMode(buttonPin, INPUT_PULLUP); // Internal pull-up resistor for the push button
pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);
void loop() {
int ldrValue = analogRead(ldrPin);
int buttonState = digitalRead(buttonPin);
Serial.print("LDR Value: ");
Serial.print("Button State: ");
// Control the LED based on LDR value and button state
if (ldrValue < 500 && buttonState == HIGH) {
digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH); // Turn on the LED
} else {
digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW); // Turn off the LED