# AccelStepper + Driver Wokwi experiments

This Wokwi sketch contains several AccelStepper+Driver and Mobatools 
driver sketches.

Please rename the *.ino.txt files so there is only one .ino file.

This uses:
* [AccelStepper](https://www.airspayce.com/mikem/arduino/AccelStepper/classAccelStepper.html)
* https://docs.wokwi.com/parts/wokwi-a4988
* https://docs.wokwi.com/parts/wokwi-stepper-motor
* [MobaTools](https://github.com/MicroBahner/MobaTools)

This contains several alternative sketches.  Rename one to xxxxx.ino to use it, and make the others into .txt files

* AccelDriverBounce.ino.txt -- configured to use a driver and an enable pin
* AccelDriverConst.ino.txt -- configued per https://forum.arduino.cc/t/using-accelstepper-library-w-stepper-driver-step-direction-and-enable-pins/639451/6 
* AccelDriverBounceFsm.ino.txt -- Bounce by using a finite state machine
* MobaDriverBounceFSM.ino.txt -- bounce using Mobatools FSM
* AccelButtonRotate.ino -- advance a half-turn with each button press

## Usage

1) rename the tabss so there is only one .ino file
2) compile and run

## See also

* https://wokwi.com/projects/386783458108875777 for AccelStepper's bounce.pde example re-written as a FSM
* https://wokwi.com/projects/386822856593519617 MobaTools Stepper_02 bounce-like FSM sim with a digital L298N wokwi-chip
* https://wokwi.com/projects/386870492326611969 A sim with an analog L298N wokwi-chip
* https://wokwi.com/projects/386819655605368833 for the MobaTools Stepper_03 demo with a step-dir driver.