import time
import urequests
# ThingSpeak parameters
channel_api_key = "5R46WGKPGTJMA1OH"
channel_id = 2402727
# Define custom threshold values
insulin_threshold = 5.0
ketone_threshold = 1.0
glucose_threshold = 100.0
# Initialize ThingSpeak channel
def initialize_thingspeak():
url = f"{channel_api_key}&field7=0"
# Send data to ThingSpeak
def send_to_thingspeak(data):
url = f"{channel_api_key}&field1={data['insulin']}&field2={data['ketone']}&field3={data['glucose']}&field4={data['insulin_fuzzy']}&field5={data['ketone_fuzzy']}&field6={data['glucose_fuzzy']}&field7={data['overall_status']}"
# Read sensor data (replace with actual sensor readings)
def read_insulin_sensor():
return 6.0 # Replace with actual value
def read_ketone_sensor():
return 0.8 # Replace with actual value
def read_glucose_sensor():
return 90.0 # Replace with actual value
# Fuzzy logic evaluation
def fuzzy_evaluate(sensor_value, threshold):
fuzzy_low = 0.2
fuzzy_medium = 0.5
fuzzy_high = 0.8
low = fuzzy_trapezoidal(sensor_value, threshold - 5, threshold - 2, threshold)
medium = fuzzy_triangular(sensor_value, threshold - 2, threshold, threshold + 2)
high = fuzzy_trapezoidal(sensor_value, threshold, threshold + 2, threshold + 5)
# Combine fuzzy sets based on the sensor value
return (low * fuzzy_low + medium * fuzzy_medium + high * fuzzy_high) / (low + medium + high)
# Fuzzy triangular membership function
def fuzzy_triangular(x, a, b, c):
return max(0, min((x - a) / (b - a), (c - x) / (c - b)))
# Fuzzy trapezoidal membership function
def fuzzy_trapezoidal(x, a, b, c):
return max(0, min(min((x - a) / (b - a), 1), (c - x) / (c - b)))
# Main loop
def main():
while True:
# Read sensor data
insulin_value = read_insulin_sensor()
ketone_value = read_ketone_sensor()
glucose_value = read_glucose_sensor()
# Fuzzy logic evaluation
insulin_fuzzy = fuzzy_evaluate(insulin_value, insulin_threshold)
ketone_fuzzy = fuzzy_evaluate(ketone_value, ketone_threshold)
glucose_fuzzy = fuzzy_evaluate(glucose_value, glucose_threshold)
# Calculate weighted average for overall status
overall_status = (insulin_fuzzy + ketone_fuzzy + glucose_fuzzy) / 3.0
# Send data to ThingSpeak
data_to_send = {
'insulin': insulin_value,
'ketone': ketone_value,
'glucose': glucose_value,
'insulin_fuzzy': insulin_fuzzy,
'ketone_fuzzy': ketone_fuzzy,
'glucose_fuzzy': glucose_fuzzy,
'overall_status': overall_status
# Pause for 15 seconds before sending the next set of data
if __name__ == "__main__":