#include "ThreadHandler.h"

int freeMemory();

//first we need to configure ThreadHandler

//1ms driving interrupt

//using default interrupt timer

//next we need to create the threads

// //this can be done using the createThread function with a lambda
// Thread* thread1 = createThread(prio, period, offset,
//         []()
//         {
//             //code to run
//         });
// //or with a function pointer
// void run()
// {
//     //code to run
// }
// Thread* thread2 = createThread(prio, period, offset, run);

//but using inheritance is slightly more memory efficient

uint16_t numberOfCreatedThreads = 0;
uint16_t minFreeMemory = -1;
uint16_t priorityMaxTimingError[7] = {0};

class MyThread : public Thread
    MyThread() : Thread(
        //we want to spread out the threads over 7
        //different priorities
        numberOfCreatedThreads % 7,
        //and we want 6ms period
        //and to even out the CPU load we
        //want the start time of the threads
        //to be offset
        1000 * (numberOfCreatedThreads / 12))

    void run() override
        //since all threads will read and write to the monitoring variable
        // we need to add a critical section to avoid racing conditions

        //critical section
            ThreadInterruptBlocker blocker;

            //lets add some code for monitoring memory usage and timing errors

            uint16_t mem = freeMemory();

            if (mem < minFreeMemory)
                minFreeMemory = mem;

            uint16_t timingError = getTimingError();

            uint16_t& maxTimingErrorForPrio = priorityMaxTimingError[getPriority()];

            if (timingError > maxTimingErrorForPrio)
                maxTimingErrorForPrio = timingError;


//max size thread array on 
// Arduino Uno:
//      16MHz, 2KB SRAM (ATmega328P)
MyThread threads[57];

//will you ever need 57 threads?
//probably not... so lets try and
//see how ThreadHandler perform with
//just 7 threads
//MyThread threads[7];

void printHeader();

void setup()

    //lets also add a nice header printout

    //to start thread execution we need to call the enableThreadExecution function

void loop()
    //next we need to print out the monitoring data
    // with some nice formating

    //we want to print every 500ms

    Serial.print("| ");

    for (auto& timingError : priorityMaxTimingError)
        uint16_t timingErrorCopy;

        //critical section
            ThreadInterruptBlocker blocker;

            timingErrorCopy = timingError;
            timingError = 0;

        Serial.print("us| ");

    uint16_t minMemCopy;

    //critical section
        ThreadInterruptBlocker blocker;

        minMemCopy = minFreeMemory;
        minFreeMemory = -1;

    Serial.print("b| ");

//SRAM memory optimized function to print header text:
void printHeader()
    Serial.println(F("| Max absolute timing error for each priority    | Free mem|"));
    Serial.println(F("|------------------------------------------------|    ______"));
    Serial.println(F("|   0  |   1  |   2  |   3  |   4  |   5  |   6  |    | CPU|"));

//freeMemory implementation

#if !defined(__AVR__)

#ifdef __arm__
// should use uinstd.h to define sbrk but Due causes a conflict
extern "C" char* sbrk(int incr);
#else  // __ARM__
extern char *__brkval;
#endif  // __arm__
int freeMemory() {
  char top;
#ifdef __arm__
  return &top - reinterpret_cast<char*>(sbrk(0));
#elif defined(CORE_TEENSY) || (ARDUINO > 103 && ARDUINO != 151)
  return &top - __brkval;
#else  // __arm__
  return __brkval ? &top - __brkval : &top - __malloc_heap_start;
#endif  // __arm__


#if (ARDUINO >= 100)
#include <Arduino.h>
#include <WProgram.h>

extern unsigned int __heap_start;
extern void *__brkval;

 * The free list structure as maintained by the
 * avr-libc memory allocation routines.
struct __freelist {
  size_t sz;
  struct __freelist *nx;

/* The head of the free list structure */
extern struct __freelist *__flp;

/* Calculates the size of the free list */
int freeListSize() {
  struct __freelist* current;
  int total = 0;
  for (current = __flp; current; current = current->nx) {
    total += 2; /* Add two bytes for the memory block's header  */
    total += (int) current->sz;
  return total;

int freeMemory() {
  int free_memory;
  if ((int)__brkval == 0) {
    free_memory = ((int)&free_memory) - ((int)&__heap_start);
  } else {
    free_memory = ((int)&free_memory) - ((int)__brkval);
    free_memory += freeListSize();
  return free_memory;
