#include <FastLED.h>
#define DATA_PIN 13
#define NUM_LEDS 4

//Global Variables Define

String Buttons_StringArray[] = {"Sensor01" ,"Sensor02" ,"Panic_Button" ,"Pir_Sensor"};

String AlarmState_StringArray[] = {" -State 0- " , " -State 1- ", " -State 2- ", " -State 3- ", "-State 4-"};
String AlarmStateSubText_StringArray[] = {" -Alarm Off- " , " -Alarm Arming- ", " -Alarm Armed- ", "-Alarm Reset- ", "-Alarm Triggered-"};

const int BuzzerPin_Int = 27;

const int PirsPin_Int = 14;

const int RelayPin_Int = 16;

int ARGBLedPin_Array[] = {15, 12, 32};

int ButtonsPin_IntArray[]     = {33, 34, 35,};
int ARGBLedPin_IntArray[]     = {15, 17, 32};

int      CodeLength_Int = 4;
String   CodeSecret_String = "1111";

//Handle_Input Reads
String   InputCurrent_String;
String   InputBefore_String;

//Button Keypad
bool ButtonPressed_Bool = false;
bool KeypadButtonPressed_Bool = false;

bool StateChangedCurrent_Bool= false;
bool StateChangedBefore_Bool= true;

//Define Contents Of Row Array and Column Array
int Row_IntArray[] = {19, 18, 5, 4};
int Column_IntArray[] = {23, 22, 21, 2};

String KeypadButtonsChar_StringArray[4][4] = {
    {"1", "2", "3", "A"},

    {"4", "5", "6", "B"},

    {"7", "8", "9", "C"},

    {"*", "0", "#", "D"}

bool ButtonStates_BoolArray[]       = { true,  true,  true};
bool ButtonStatesBefore_BoolArray[] = { false, false, false};

bool ARGBLedColors_BoolArray []           = { false,   false,  false, false};
bool ARGBLedColorsBefore_BoolArray []     = { true,  true,  true, true};

//Main Alarm State
int AlarmState_Int = 0;

const int Second = 1000;
const int Minute = 60 * Second;
const int Hour   = 60 * Minute;
const int Day    = 24 * Hour;
const int Year   = 360 * Day;

unsigned long Days;
unsigned long Hours;
unsigned long Minutes;

unsigned long MillisBefore_Ul = 0;
unsigned long ReportTimeInterval_Ul = 5 * Minute;  // Set the interval to 5minutes

const int NillSoundDelay_Int = 27;

bool DrawSolid_Bool = false;

bool ONOFFCurrent_Bool = false;

void setup() {



void loop() {

  //  Func_ReportTimePassed();


  //  Func_ReadKeypad();

  // Func_SecretCode_Input()


  //  Func_WriteNeopixel();

