# NeoPixels Rainbow on MicroPython
# Updated for dynamic color generation, improved memory efficiency, and added parameterization
from machine import Pin
from neopixel import NeoPixel
from time import sleep
def generate_rainbow():
Generates a list of RGB values to create a rainbow effect.
rainbow = []
for i in range(256):
if i < 85:
rainbow.append((i * 3, 255 - i * 3, 0))
elif i < 170:
i -= 85
rainbow.append((255 - i * 3, 0, i * 3))
i -= 170
rainbow.append((0, i * 3, 255 - i * 3))
return rainbow
def setup_neopixel(pin_num, num_pixels):
Initializes the NeoPixel ring.
pixels = NeoPixel(Pin(pin_num), num_pixels)
return pixels
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error initializing NeoPixel: {e}")
return None
# Parameterization
PIN_NUM = 11 # Pin number for NeoPixel data line
NUM_PIXELS = 16 # Number of pixels in the NeoPixel ring
rainbow = generate_rainbow() # Generate rainbow colors dynamically
pixels = setup_neopixel(PIN_NUM, NUM_PIXELS)
if pixels:
while True:
rainbow = rainbow[-1:] + rainbow[:-1] # Rotate colors
for i in range(NUM_PIXELS):
pixels[i] = rainbow[i % len(rainbow)] # Assign color to each pixel