from machine import ADC, Pin
import utime

# Initialize ADC
adc = ADC(2)  # Assuming you are using GPIO 26 for ADC input
burden_resistor = 13.2  # Total burden resistor value in ohms (10 ohm + 3.9 ohm)
adc_resolution = 65535  # 16-bit resolution
max_expected_voltage = 3.3  # Maximum expected voltage across the burden resistor
ct_ratio = 400  # CT ratio

def read_voltage_and_current():
    # Read ADC value
    adc_value = adc.read_u16()
    # Convert ADC value to voltage
    voltage = (adc_value / adc_resolution) * max_expected_voltage
    # Calculate measured current (I = V/R)
    measured_current = voltage / burden_resistor

    # Scale up to real-world current
    real_world_current = measured_current * ct_ratio
    return voltage, measured_current, real_world_current

# Main loop
while True:
    voltage, measured_current, real_world_current = read_voltage_and_current()
    print(f"Measured Voltage: {voltage:.3f} V, Measured Current: {measured_current:.3f} A, Real-World Current: {real_world_current:.2f} A")
    utime.sleep(1)  # Read every 1 second