const int updateInterval = 10000; // Time between boundary updates in milliseconds
unsigned long timeOfUpdate = 0; // Timestamp for when the boundary update happened

byte sensorOutput;

byte boundaryLow = 131;
byte boundaryHigh = 30;
byte boundaryPeakToPeak;

void setup()


void loop()
  sensorOutput = random(30, 131); // To fake the sensor's min/max output values
  Serial.print(sensorOutput); Serial.print(" ");

  //scaled = constrain(map(sensorOutput, boundaryLow, boundaryHigh, 0, 23), 0, 23);


  delay(300); // Just so 30 and 130 don't occur almost instantly

void updateBoundaries()
  boundaryLow = min(sensorOutput, boundaryLow);
  boundaryHigh = max(sensorOutput, boundaryHigh);
  Serial.print(boundaryLow); Serial.print(" ");
  Serial.println(boundaryHigh); //Serial.print(" ");

  boundaryPeakToPeak = boundaryHigh - boundaryLow;

  // Is it time to update the boundary values?
  if (millis() - timeOfUpdate >= updateInterval)
    boundaryLow = 131;
    boundaryHigh = 30;

    // Update the timestamp with the time when the boundary update happened
    timeOfUpdate = millis();