static uint8_t gpio_relay1 = 2;
static uint8_t gpio_switch1 = 32;

bool switch_state_ch1 = false;

struct LightSwitch {
    const uint8_t pin;
    bool pressed;
    bool old;
LightSwitch switch_ch1 = {gpio_switch1, false, false};

void setup() {
  // put your setup code here, to run once:
  Serial.println("Hello, ESP32!");
  pinMode(, INPUT_PULLUP);
  pinMode(gpio_relay1, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(gpio_relay1, LOW);

void loop() {
  // put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
  delay(10); // this speeds up the simulation

  switch_ch1.pressed = !digitalRead(;
  if(!switch_ch1.pressed && switch_ch1.old){
    switch_state_ch1 = !switch_state_ch1;
  switch_ch1.old = switch_ch1.pressed;

  /* if (switch_ch1.pressed) {
        Serial.printf("Switch 1 has been changed\n");
        switch_ch1.pressed = false;
        // Toggle switch 1 device state
        switch_state_ch1 = !switch_state_ch1;
        Serial.printf("Toggle State to %s.\n", switch_state_ch1 ? "true" : "false");
        //if (my_switch1) {
            //my_switch1->updateAndReportParam(ESP_RMAKER_DEF_POWER_NAME, switch_state_ch1);
        (switch_state_ch1 == false) ? digitalWrite(gpio_relay1, LOW) : digitalWrite(gpio_relay1, HIGH);
      //if(!digitalRead( pressBtn(&switch_ch1);
    } */
