#include <stdio.h>
#include "hardware/gpio.h"

// Declare the main assembly code entry point.
void main_asm();

// Initialise a GPIO pin – see SDK for detail on gpio_init()
void asm_gpio_init(uint pin) {

// Set direction of a GPIO pin – see SDK for detail on gpio_set_dir()
void asm_gpio_set_dir(uint pin, bool out) {
 gpio_set_dir(pin, out);

// Get the value of a GPIO pin – see SDK for detail on gpio_get()
bool asm_gpio_get(uint pin) {
 return gpio_get(pin);

// Set the value of a GPIO pin – see SDK for detail on gpio_put()
void asm_gpio_put(uint pin, bool value) {
 gpio_put(pin, value);

// Enable falling-edge interrupt – see SDK for detail on gpio_set_irq_enabled()
void asm_gpio_set_irq(uint pin) {
 gpio_set_irq_enabled(pin, GPIO_IRQ_EDGE_FALL, true);

// Main entry point of the application
int main() {
// stdio_init_all(); // Initialise all basic IO
  printf("Assignment #1...\n"); // Basic print to console
  main_asm(); // Jump into the ASM code
  return 0; // Application return code