void setup()
  // set pins 2 through 9 as output
  for (int i = 2; i <= 9; i++)
    pinMode(i, OUTPUT); // initialize pins as outputs

long i = 0;

void loop()
  // iterate over the pins
  // turn the LED on from lowest to the highest
  for (int a = 2; a <= 9; a++)
    byte bitValue = bitRead(i, a - 2); // read the bit at position a - 2 from i
    digitalWrite(a, bitValue); // turn the LED on or off based on the bit value
  Serial.println(); // print a new line for clarity
  i++; // increment i
  if (i == 256) // reset i when it reaches 256
    i = 0;

  delay(100); // wait for 100 ms