# 导入必要的库
from machine import Pin, PWM, ADC
import time

adc_pin = 32  #adc pin
pwm_pin = 18                       #''' Define the PWM pin  '''

# 初始化ADC对象,指定ADC引脚
adc = ADC(adc_pin)         #''' Call the ADC Pin and pass the ADC pin '''
#开启衰减器,测量量程增大到 3.3
adc.atten(ADC.ATTN_11DB)    #''' Configure the atenuation level of the ADC for reading 3.3V '''

# 初始化PWM对象,指定PWM引脚(例如:GPIO 18) ''' Now statrt with the Pulse width modulation '''

pwm = PWM(Pin(pwm_pin))  #''' Call the the Pwm module and the passs the PWM module '''

# 定义音符持续时间(秒)  #''' Set the duration of each tone '''
note_duration = 0.1

while True:
# 循环演奏曲目
    # 设置PWM信号频率
    analog_value = adc.read()     #''' Read the adc value and save it as analog_value '''
    pwm.freq(analog_value+1)      #''' Change and update the frequency add 1 since frequency cannot be less than 1'''
            # 播放音符
    print(f"ADC_Value :{analog_value}" ) 
    pwm.duty(512)  # 设置占空比(范围:0-1023)
                    # 等待音符持续时间
                            # 停止音符
                                    # 等待一段时间作为间隔