//Revision 6.1 Silly lights, using switch cases for lights, and wipers new code
// Bounce2 - Version: Latest
#include <Arduino.h>
#include <Bounce2.h>
#include <OneWire.h>
#include <DallasTemperature.h>
#include "OneButton.h" //for crazy stuff with two push buttons
//OUTPUTS $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
const int ris = 46; //Right Indicators
const int lis = 48; //Left Indicators
const int FAN = 39; //Radiator FAN motor power
const int frd = 38; //Front Right Dipped Beam Head light
const int fld = 40; //Front Left Dipped Beam Head light
const int frm = 42; //Front Right Main Beam Head light
const int flm = 44; //Front Left Main Beam Head light
const int frs = 50; //Front Right Side light
const int fls = 52; //Front Left Side light
const int tls = 53; //Tail Lights
const int wip = 41; //Windscreen Wiper Output
const int wsh = 43;//Windscreen Washer Output
const int hrn = 45; //Horn Output
const int dil = 27; //LED in Dash for Indicator Left - Brown CAT5
const int dir = 26; //LED in Dash for Indicator Right - Blue CAT5
const int dmb = 25; //LED in Dash for Main Beam
const int dls = 47; //LEDs in Dash for illumination Changed to 12v lights running on Relay
//const int fanlamp = ??; // LED on dash to show Radiator FAN is running
//INPUTS $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
const int sl = 14; //button side lights Pink
const int db = 15; //button dipped lights Grey
const int mb = 16; //button main beam Yellow
const int li = 17; //left indicators Purple
const int ri = 18; //right indicators Red
const int hz = 28; //Hazard warning lights Blue & White CAT5
const int ws = 11; //Windscreen Washer Switch - Momentary? (should be 11)
const int wp = 10; //Windscreen Wiper toggle switch Blue / poteniomiter click..
const int dl = 12; // dash light on and off (should be 12)
const int hn = 19; //Horn switch on shalk
const int wk = 7; //Windcsreen Wiper Park Limit switch
const int fn = 5; //Fan switch
#define ONE_WIRE_BUS 6 //For Termometer prob in radiator (Three lines) Input 6
OneWire oneWire(ONE_WIRE_BUS);
DallasTemperature sensors(&oneWire);
const int OneSec = 3000;
unsigned long TimeNow = 0;
unsigned long LastTempReading = 1000;
float Celcius = 0;
float Fahrenheit = 0;
//INPUT mementary buttons for silly effects
const int FlashLeftHL = 8; //white
const int FlashRightHL = 9; //white
//VARIABLES $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
int riState;
int liState;
int hzState;
unsigned long indicatorPrevMillis = 1; // will store last time LED was updated
const long indicatorInterval = 400; // indicatorInterval at which to blink (milliseconds)
int riLatch = HIGH;
int liLatch = HIGH;
int hzLatch = HIGH;
unsigned long indicatorCurrMillis;
int riValLast = HIGH;
int liValLast = HIGH;
int hzValLast = HIGH;
unsigned long riValTime = 1;
unsigned long liValTime = 1;
unsigned long hzValTime = 1;
//____Windscreen wiper stuff 7 lines
int wkVal = LOW; //The state of the park limit switch effect at read.
int wpVal = HIGH; //wiper
int long potValue;
int long DelayVAL = 1000;
int long potPin = A1;
int unsigned long WiperPreviousMillis = 1;
int RunOnce = 0;
int wipers;
int WipeMode = 4;
// Instantiate a Bounce object :
Bounce WKdebouncer = Bounce();
int wsVal;
//Dash Lamp states for indicators
int dilstate; //Dash Indicator lamp valve Left
int dirstate; //Dash Indicator lamp valve Right
int hnVal; // Horn Button state
int fnVal = LOW; //Fan Switch set to LOW
int unsigned long serialPrintOutTime = 1;
int long serialPrintDelay = 2000;
int lights = 62;
int mainLeftOut = 0;
int mainRightOut = 0;
int RandomVal = LOW;
int RandomOnOff;
int unsigned long DelayTime = 2;
int RandomNumber;
int OldRandomVal = LOW;
//@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Void Setup @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
void setup() {
pinMode(sl, INPUT_PULLUP);
pinMode(db, INPUT_PULLUP);
pinMode(mb, INPUT_PULLUP);
pinMode(FlashLeftHL, INPUT_PULLUP);
pinMode(FlashRightHL, INPUT_PULLUP);
pinMode(ri, INPUT_PULLUP);
pinMode(li, INPUT_PULLUP);
pinMode(hz, INPUT_PULLUP);
pinMode(ws, INPUT_PULLUP);
pinMode(wp, INPUT_PULLUP);
pinMode(dl, INPUT_PULLUP); //dash lights input switch on
pinMode(hn, INPUT_PULLUP); //Horn input switch stalk
pinMode(wk, INPUT_PULLUP); //Wind screen wiper park limit switch input
pinMode(fn, INPUT_PULLUP); //Fan switch
pinMode(potPin, INPUT); //A1
WKdebouncer.attach(7, INPUT_PULLUP); // Attach the WKdebouncer to a pin with INPUT_PULLUP mode
WKdebouncer.interval(25); // Use a debounce interval of 25 milliseconds
digitalWrite(fld, HIGH);
pinMode(fld, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(frd, HIGH);
pinMode(frd, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(frm, HIGH);
pinMode(frm, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(flm, HIGH);
pinMode(flm, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(frs, HIGH);
pinMode(frs, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(fls, HIGH);
pinMode(fls, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(tls, HIGH);
pinMode(tls, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(ris, HIGH);
pinMode(ris, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(lis, HIGH);
pinMode(lis, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(wip, HIGH);
pinMode(wip, OUTPUT);
pinMode(dil, OUTPUT);
pinMode(dir, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(dmb, LOW);
pinMode(dmb, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(dls, HIGH);
pinMode(dls, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(wsh, HIGH);
pinMode(wsh, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(hrn, HIGH);
pinMode(hrn, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(FAN, HIGH);
pinMode(FAN, OUTPUT);
if (millis() >= serialPrintOutTime) {
Serial.print("Lights total ");
Serial.print(" ** Tempurature ");
Serial.print("deg C");
Serial.print(" ** Wiper Pot Value ");
Serial.print(" ** Wipe Mode ");
serialPrintOutTime = millis() + (serialPrintDelay);
int slVal = digitalRead(sl); //Side Lights switch
int dbVal = digitalRead(db); //Dipped Beam Switch
int mbVal = digitalRead(mb); //Main beam switch
int FlashLeftHLVal = digitalRead(FlashLeftHL); //Funny Flashing button Left
int FlashRightHLVal = digitalRead(FlashRightHL); //Funny Flashing button Right
int riVal = digitalRead(ri); //Indicator switch RIGHT
int liVal = digitalRead(li); //Indicator switch LEFT
int hzVal = digitalRead(hz); //Hazard switch
int dlVal = digitalRead(dl); //dash lights value
int hnVal = digitalRead(hn); //read if horn button is pressed
int wkVal = digitalRead(wk); //windscreen wiper park limit switch value
int wpVal = digitalRead(wp); //Windscreen wiper switch
lights = (slVal * 2) + (dbVal * 4) + (mbVal * 8) + (FlashLeftHLVal * 16) + (FlashRightHLVal * 32);
if (lights == 60) { //This gets us out of the below being true, turing on side lights cancels the daft lights.
RandomVal = LOW;
if (RandomVal != OldRandomVal) {//One time it resettes the lights to off.
digitalWrite(fld, HIGH);
digitalWrite(frd, HIGH);
digitalWrite(dmb, HIGH);
digitalWrite(dil, HIGH);
digitalWrite(dir, HIGH);
digitalWrite(ris, HIGH);
digitalWrite(lis, HIGH);
OldRandomVal = RandomVal;
if (RandomVal == HIGH) { //This fixes the case so that we're stuck in that being true
lights = 14;
OldRandomVal = RandomVal;
if (dlVal == LOW && lights != 62) { //Dash lights will come on if any lights are turns on AND the switch is on.
digitalWrite(dls, LOW);
} else {
digitalWrite(dls, HIGH);
mainLeftOut = digitalRead(44); //Turns on the mainbeam indiator lamp only if the mainbeam lights are on
mainRightOut = digitalRead(42);
if (mainLeftOut == 0 || mainRightOut == 0) {
digitalWrite(dmb, HIGH);
} else {
digitalWrite(dmb, LOW);
switch (lights) {
//*****************START****This is regular lights functions as normal car:
case 60: // Side Lights
digitalWrite(frs, LOW); // HIGH is off
digitalWrite(fls, LOW);
digitalWrite(frd, HIGH);
digitalWrite(fld, HIGH);
digitalWrite(frm, HIGH);
digitalWrite(flm, HIGH);
digitalWrite(tls, LOW); // HIGH is off
case 56: //Side lights and Dipped beam
digitalWrite(frs, LOW); // HIGH is off
digitalWrite(fls, LOW);
digitalWrite(frd, LOW);
digitalWrite(fld, LOW);
digitalWrite(frm, HIGH);
digitalWrite(flm, HIGH);
digitalWrite(tls, LOW); // HIGH is off
case 48: //Side lights and Mainbeam on
digitalWrite(frs, LOW); // HIGH is off
digitalWrite(fls, LOW);
digitalWrite(frd, HIGH);
digitalWrite(fld, HIGH);
digitalWrite(frm, LOW);
digitalWrite(flm, LOW);
digitalWrite(tls, LOW); // HIGH is off
//*****************END****This is the end of regular lights function.
//*****************START****This left OR right buttons silly:
case 46: //No lights on and press left buttom
digitalWrite(frs, HIGH); // HIGH is off
digitalWrite(fls, LOW);
digitalWrite(frd, HIGH);
digitalWrite(fld, LOW);
digitalWrite(frm, HIGH);
digitalWrite(flm, HIGH);
digitalWrite(tls, HIGH); // HIGH is off
case 30: //No lights on and press RIGHT buttom
digitalWrite(frs, LOW); // HIGH is off
digitalWrite(fls, HIGH);
digitalWrite(frd, LOW);
digitalWrite(fld, HIGH);
digitalWrite(frm, HIGH);
digitalWrite(flm, HIGH);
digitalWrite(tls, HIGH); // HIGH is off
case 44: //Side lights on and press left buttom
digitalWrite(frs, HIGH); // HIGH is off
digitalWrite(fls, LOW);
digitalWrite(frd, HIGH);
digitalWrite(fld, LOW);
digitalWrite(frm, HIGH);
digitalWrite(flm, HIGH);
digitalWrite(tls, LOW); // HIGH is off
case 28: //Side lights on and press RIGHT buttom
digitalWrite(frs, LOW); // HIGH is off
digitalWrite(fls, HIGH);
digitalWrite(frd, LOW);
digitalWrite(fld, HIGH);
digitalWrite(frm, HIGH);
digitalWrite(flm, HIGH);
digitalWrite(tls, LOW); // HIGH is off
case 38:
case 40: //Side lights and dipped on and press left buttom
digitalWrite(frs, LOW); // HIGH is off
digitalWrite(fls, HIGH);
digitalWrite(frd, LOW);
digitalWrite(fld, HIGH);
digitalWrite(frm, HIGH);
digitalWrite(flm, HIGH);
digitalWrite(tls, LOW); // HIGH is off
case 22:
case 24: //Side lights and dipped on and press RIGHT buttom
digitalWrite(frs, HIGH); // HIGH is off
digitalWrite(fls, LOW);
digitalWrite(frd, HIGH);
digitalWrite(fld, LOW);
digitalWrite(frm, HIGH);
digitalWrite(flm, HIGH);
digitalWrite(tls, LOW); // HIGH is off
case 32: //Side lights and Mainbeam on and press left buttom
digitalWrite(frs, LOW); // HIGH is off
digitalWrite(fls, HIGH);
digitalWrite(frd, HIGH);
digitalWrite(fld, HIGH);
digitalWrite(frm, LOW);
digitalWrite(flm, HIGH);
digitalWrite(tls, LOW); // HIGH is off
case 16: //Side lights and Mainbeam on and press RIGHT buttom
digitalWrite(frs, HIGH); // HIGH is off
digitalWrite(fls, LOW);
digitalWrite(frd, HIGH);
digitalWrite(fld, HIGH);
digitalWrite(frm, HIGH);
digitalWrite(flm, LOW);
digitalWrite(tls, LOW); // HIGH is off
//*****************START****This left AND right buttons silly:
case 0: //Mainbeam lights on and press left AND Right buttom
digitalWrite(frs, HIGH); // HIGH is off
digitalWrite(fls, HIGH);
digitalWrite(frd, LOW);
digitalWrite(fld, LOW);
digitalWrite(frm, HIGH);
digitalWrite(flm, HIGH);
digitalWrite(tls, HIGH); // HIGH is off
case 54: //NO lights on and flick mainbeam on stalk
case 12: //Side lights on and press left AND Right buttom
case 8: //Dipped lights on and press left AND Right buttom
digitalWrite(frs, HIGH); // HIGH is off
digitalWrite(fls, HIGH);
digitalWrite(frd, HIGH);
digitalWrite(fld, HIGH);
digitalWrite(frm, LOW);
digitalWrite(flm, LOW);
digitalWrite(tls, HIGH); // HIGH is off
case 14: //No lights on and press left AND Right buttom - DAFT LIGHTS GO GO GO
RandomVal = HIGH;
if (millis() >= DelayTime) {
RandomNumber = random(9);
RandomOnOff = random(2);
DelayTime = millis() + random(80, 250);
switch (RandomNumber) {
case 0:
digitalWrite(frs, RandomOnOff);
Serial.println(" FRS lights turned on ");
case 1:
digitalWrite(fls, RandomOnOff);
case 2:
digitalWrite(frd, RandomOnOff);
digitalWrite(dmb, RandomOnOff);
case 3:
digitalWrite(fld, RandomOnOff);
digitalWrite(dmb, RandomOnOff);
case 4:
digitalWrite(ris, RandomOnOff);
digitalWrite(dir, RandomOnOff);
case 5:
digitalWrite(lis, RandomOnOff);
digitalWrite(dil, RandomOnOff);
case 6:
digitalWrite(frs, RandomOnOff);
digitalWrite(frd, RandomOnOff);
digitalWrite(dmb, RandomOnOff);
digitalWrite(ris, RandomOnOff);
digitalWrite(dir, RandomOnOff);
case 7:
digitalWrite(fls, RandomOnOff);
digitalWrite(fld, RandomOnOff);
digitalWrite(dmb, RandomOnOff);
digitalWrite(lis, RandomOnOff);
digitalWrite(dil, RandomOnOff);
case 8:
digitalWrite(fls, RandomOnOff);
digitalWrite(fld, RandomOnOff);
digitalWrite(dmb, RandomOnOff);
digitalWrite(lis, RandomOnOff);
digitalWrite(dil, RandomOnOff);
digitalWrite(frs, RandomOnOff);
digitalWrite(frd, RandomOnOff);
digitalWrite(ris, RandomOnOff);
digitalWrite(dir, RandomOnOff);
digitalWrite(fls, HIGH);
digitalWrite(fld, HIGH);
digitalWrite(dmb, HIGH);
digitalWrite(lis, HIGH);
digitalWrite(dil, HIGH);
digitalWrite(frs, HIGH);
digitalWrite(frd, HIGH);
digitalWrite(ris, HIGH);
digitalWrite(dir, HIGH);
digitalWrite(frs, HIGH); //****************************Turn all to OFF condition********************************************
digitalWrite(fls, HIGH); //****************************Turn all to OFF condition********************************************
digitalWrite(frd, HIGH); //****************************Turn all to OFF condition********************************************
digitalWrite(fld, HIGH); //*************************************************************************************************
digitalWrite(frm, HIGH); //*************************************************************************************************
digitalWrite(flm, HIGH); //*************************************************************************************************
digitalWrite(tls, HIGH); //*************************************************************************************************
//***************Indicators Script************************************************************
if (riVal != riValLast && riVal == LOW && hzVal == HIGH && liLatch == HIGH) { //check to see if state of switch changed.
riValTime = millis();
if (millis() >= serialPrintOutTime) {
Serial.println(" riVal LOW ");
riValLast = riVal;
if (riValTime + 20 > millis() && millis() < riValTime + 25 && riVal == LOW) { // debounce switch
riLatch = LOW;
indicatorCurrMillis = millis();
if (millis() >= serialPrintOutTime) {
Serial.println(" riVal latched ");
if (riLatch == LOW) {
if (indicatorCurrMillis + indicatorInterval >= millis()) {
riState = LOW; //Turning on the Relay for the actual light
dirstate = HIGH; //Turning on the LED on the dash
if (millis() >= serialPrintOutTime) {
Serial.println(" Turned ON RIGHT ");
digitalWrite(ris, riState);
digitalWrite(dir, dirstate);
} else if (indicatorCurrMillis + indicatorInterval + indicatorInterval >= millis() && indicatorCurrMillis + indicatorInterval < millis()) {
riState = HIGH; //Turning off the Relay for the actual light
dirstate = LOW; //Turning off the LED on the dash
digitalWrite(ris, riState);
digitalWrite(dir, dirstate);
} else if (indicatorCurrMillis + indicatorInterval + indicatorInterval < millis() && riVal == LOW) {
indicatorCurrMillis = millis();
} else {
riLatch = HIGH;
riValLast = HIGH;
if (liVal != liValLast && liVal == LOW && hzVal == HIGH && riLatch == HIGH) { //check to see if state of switch changed.
liValTime = millis();
if (millis() >= serialPrintOutTime) {
Serial.println(" first if ");
liValLast = liVal;
if (liValTime + 20 > millis() && millis() < liValTime + 25 && liVal == LOW) { // debounce switch
liLatch = LOW;
indicatorCurrMillis = millis();
if (millis() >= serialPrintOutTime) {
Serial.println(" riVal latched ");
if (liLatch == LOW) {
if (indicatorCurrMillis + indicatorInterval >= millis()) {
liState = LOW; //Turning on the Relay for the actual light
dilstate = HIGH; //Turning on the LED on the dash
if (millis() >= serialPrintOutTime) {
Serial.println(" Turned ON LEFT ");
digitalWrite(lis, liState);
digitalWrite(dil, dilstate);
} else if (indicatorCurrMillis + indicatorInterval + indicatorInterval >= millis() && indicatorCurrMillis + indicatorInterval < millis()) {
liState = HIGH; //Turning off the Relay for the actual light
dilstate = LOW; //Turning off the LED on the dash
if (millis() >= serialPrintOutTime) {
Serial.println(" Turned OFF LEFT ");
digitalWrite(lis, liState);
digitalWrite(dil, dilstate);
} else if (indicatorCurrMillis + indicatorInterval + indicatorInterval < millis() && liVal == LOW) {
indicatorCurrMillis = millis();
} else {
liLatch = HIGH;
liValLast = HIGH;
//****Hazard Waring Lights:
if (hzVal != hzValLast && hzVal == LOW && liLatch == HIGH && riLatch == HIGH) { //check to see if state of switch changed.
hzValTime = millis();
if (millis() >= serialPrintOutTime) {
Serial.println(" first if ");
hzValLast = hzVal;
if (hzValTime + 20 > millis() && millis() < hzValTime + 25 && hzVal == LOW) { // debounce switch
hzLatch = LOW;
indicatorCurrMillis = millis();
if (millis() >= serialPrintOutTime) {
Serial.println(" riVal latched ");
if (hzLatch == LOW && riLatch == HIGH && liLatch == HIGH) {
if (indicatorCurrMillis + indicatorInterval >= millis()) {
liState = LOW; //Turning on the Relay for the actual light
dilstate = HIGH; //Turning on the LED on the dash
riState = LOW; //Turning on the Relay for the actual light
dirstate = HIGH; //Turning on the LED on the dash
if (millis() >= serialPrintOutTime) {
Serial.println(" Turned Hazards On ");
digitalWrite(ris, riState);
digitalWrite(dir, dirstate);
digitalWrite(lis, liState);
digitalWrite(dil, dilstate);
} else if (indicatorCurrMillis + indicatorInterval + indicatorInterval >= millis() && indicatorCurrMillis + indicatorInterval < millis()) {
liState = HIGH; //Turning off the Relay for the actual light
dilstate = LOW; //Turning off the LED on the dash
riState = HIGH; //Turning off the Relay for the actual light
dirstate = LOW; //Turning off the LED on the dash
if (millis() >= serialPrintOutTime) {
Serial.println(" Turned OFF Hazards ");
digitalWrite(lis, liState);
digitalWrite(dil, dilstate);
digitalWrite(ris, riState);
digitalWrite(dir, dirstate);
} else if (indicatorCurrMillis + indicatorInterval + indicatorInterval < millis() && liVal == LOW) {
indicatorCurrMillis = millis();
} else {
hzLatch = HIGH;
hzValLast = HIGH;
//****end of hazard warning lights***
//***************END of Indicators Script*********************************************************
//*******Windscreen Wipers script***************************************************************
//Potentioniter wiring:
// Red = 5v
// Green = A1 - wiper - signal
// Yellow = wp = 10; //Windscreen Wiper toggle switch Blue / poteniomiter click..
// Black = 0v
wkVal = digitalRead(wk); //Read the wiper park limit switch
potValue = analogRead(potPin); //read the pot value for the delay
DelayVAL = map(potValue, 0, 1023, 20000, -11000); //map pot value to be low then high as turned
WKdebouncer.update(); // Update the Bounce instance
if (potValue >100 && potValue < 200) {
WipeMode = 2; // RUN Constantly
} else if (potValue > 200) {
WipeMode = 1; // Intermitant wiping
} else {
WipeMode = 0;
if (WipeMode == 2) {
digitalWrite(wip, LOW); //Set wipers running
if (WipeMode == 1) {
if (WKdebouncer.fell()) { // IF Park just enagaed then..
digitalWrite(wip, HIGH); //Trun off Wipers as they're done and parked.
WiperPreviousMillis = millis(); //sets the time at stop
if (millis() >= WiperPreviousMillis + DelayVAL) {
digitalWrite(wip, LOW); //Run Wipers
if (wkVal == LOW && potValue > 200) {
digitalWrite(wip, HIGH); //Trun off Wipers as they're done and parked.
if (wpVal == LOW) {
if (potValue > 600) { //if low delay value then just run constantly
digitalWrite(wip, LOW);
} else { //if delay val greater than WP Val do intermittant
if (RunOnce == 0) {
digitalWrite(wip, LOW);
RunOnce = 1;
if (WKdebouncer.fell()) { // Call code if button transitions from HIGH to LOW
digitalWrite(wip, HIGH); //stops the wiper motor
WiperPreviousMillis = millis(); //sets the time at stop
if (wkVal == LOW && (WiperPreviousMillis + DelayVAL) < millis()) {
digitalWrite(wip, LOW); //once the delay is past then run again
// end of delay wiping
} else {
if (WKdebouncer.fell() || wkVal == LOW) { // Stop when reached park not while parked or anything else.
digitalWrite(wip, HIGH); //stops the wiper motor
RunOnce = 0; //Reset then run once
//*******END of Windscreen Wipers script********************************************************
//**********Windscreen Washer********************************************************************
wsVal = digitalRead(ws);
if (wsVal == LOW) {
digitalWrite(wsh, LOW);
} else {
digitalWrite(wsh, HIGH);
//**********End of Windscreen Washer**************************************************************
//********** Horn ********************************************************************
if (hnVal == LOW) {
digitalWrite(hrn, LOW);
} else {
digitalWrite(hrn, HIGH);
//********** End of Horn **************************************************************
//*************Start of Radiator Temp and FAN control**********************************************
fnVal = digitalRead(fn); //Switch value to turn fan on.
TimeNow = millis();
if ((LastTempReading + OneSec) < TimeNow) {
Celcius = sensors.getTempCByIndex(0);
Fahrenheit = sensors.toFahrenheit(Celcius);
LastTempReading = millis();
if (fnVal == HIGH) {
if (Celcius >= 85) { //turn on fan only at the this temperature (ºC)
digitalWrite(FAN, LOW);
//digitalWrite(fanlamp, LOW);
if (Celcius <= 75) { //turn fan off again once temp (ºC) has dropped below this
digitalWrite(FAN, HIGH);
//digitalWrite(fanlamp, HIGH);
} else {
digitalWrite(FAN, LOW); //Hard trun on off the fan regarless of the sensor
//digitalWrite(fanlamp, LOW);
//*************END of Radiator Temp and FAN control**********************************************
//--------------------------------The VERY END--------------------------------