// Arduino **MEGA** for optical rotary encoder; plus an encoder simulator Sept 2022
// WOKWI animation : https://wokwi.com/projects/343001355413094995
The first part of the program receives the quadrature signal from an optical rotary encoder
and displays its position on the serial monitor.
If you have a 5 Volts encoder and an Arduino:
Connect the outputs A and B of the 5 Volt encoder to the input pins 2 and 3 of the Arduino
(put resistors of 1K max in series between the pins and the wires A and B, for safety).
Do not make the connections on pins 11 and 12, nor the 2 buttons on A0 and A3.
You can delete the second part of the program, which is not used with a real encoder.
If you don't have the real encoder :
the second part of the program allows to simulate the quadrature function on pins 11 and 12
(these pins work like an encoder, they are controlled by the buttons).
With a real Arduino:
Place resistors of 1K max as shown on the Wokwi diagram, to protect the pins from a programming error:
output 12 to input 2, and output 11 to input 3;
and also on the buttons, 1K max between A0 and the button, 1K max between A3 and the other button.
ATTENTION don't forget to set (prevmillis > 20) in the "additionalButtons()" function
(for Wokwi the value is 1, otherwise the reaction time of the buttons is too long).
In simulation with Wokwi:
The resistors are intentionally not connected, it is to indicate how to do with the real Arduino.
In case of blocking, it is sometimes necessary to stop the simulation, and restart it.
You may have noticed that English is not my usual language ;-)
// ENCODER function : quadrature signal decoded with interrupt inputs 2 & 3 ----------------------------
#define INPUT_ENCOD_A 2 // *** MEGA PIN2 (***=adapt with input pin)
#define INPUT_ENCOD_B 3 // *** MEGA PIN3
#define SignalA B00010000 // *** MEGA PIN2 = PORT_E bit4 = B00010000
#define SignalB B00100000 // *** MEGA PIN3 = PORT_E bit5 = B00100000
#define SignalAB B00110000 // *** both signals
volatile int ISRencodPos; // encoder position
int encodLastPos; // previous position
byte LastPort8 = SignalA; // previous A/B state
void setup(void) { //
attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(INPUT_ENCOD_A), ExtInt, CHANGE);
attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(INPUT_ENCOD_B), ExtInt, CHANGE);
Serial.begin(115200); // fast fast fast !
Serial.println(F("waiting for encoder rotation...")); //
additionalSetup(); //!!!// // (!!! not necessary with real encoder)
} //
void ExtInt() { /// OPTICAL ENCODER ext interrupt pin X, Y
byte Port8 = PINE & SignalAB; // *** PINE (PORT INPUT E) ***for Mega***
LastPort8 ^= Port8; //
if (LastPort8 & SignalA) ISRencodPos++; // Rotation -> {ISRencodPos++; Sense = 1;}
if (LastPort8 & SignalB) ISRencodPos--; // Rotation <- {ISRencodPos--; Sense = 0;}
if ( Port8 && (Port8 != SignalAB)) Port8 ^= SignalAB; // (swap A-B)
LastPort8 = Port8; // mieux vaut faire court
} //
void loop(void) { /// MAIN LOOP
noInterrupts(); //
int encodPosition = ISRencodPos; //
interrupts(); //
if (encodLastPos != encodPosition) { // when the encoder change,
encodLastPos = encodPosition; //
Serial.println(encodPosition); // print encoder position
} //
additionalButtons(); //!!!// // (!!! not necessary with real encoder)
} //
// END of the REAL ENCODER minimum function ----------------- // END REAL ROTARY ENCODER ---------------
// EXTRA aditional function : BUTTONS & ENCODER SIMULATION---------------------------------------------
#define Phase1 B00100000 // SIMUL_ENCODER bit 6 & 5 of Mega PORTB
#define Phase2 B01000000 // SIMUL_ENCODER for direct PORT write,
#define Phase1_2 B01100000 // SIMUL_ENCODER but not used
byte Quadra = Phase1; // SIMUL_ENCODER (digitalWrite used)
#define INPUT_buttonLeft A0 // PIN
#define INPUT_buttonRight A3 // PIN
#define OUTPUT_simulEncodA 12 // PIN
#define OUTPUT_simulEncodB 11 // PIN
#define buttonLeft B00000001 // BUTTON PF0 (A0) ***for Mega***
#define buttonRight B00001000 // BUTTON PF3 (A3) ***for Mega***
#define buttonAll B00001001 // BUTTON
#define maskAutoRepeat B00001001 // BUTTON auto-repeat define here concerned keys
#define tempoRepeatSlow 60 // BUTTON auto-repeat first tempo (multiple 20ms)
#define tempoRepeatFast 6 // BUTTON auto-repeat second tempo(multiple 20ms)
unsigned long prevmillis; // BUTTONS debounce period
byte actionStat; // BUTTONS state buttons
byte actionDown; // BUTTONS pressed buttons
byte actionUp; // BUTTONS released buttons
byte actionMemo; // BUTTONS memorised states buttons
byte tempoAutoRepeat = tempoRepeatSlow; // BUTTONS auto-repeat double-timer
void additionalSetup(){ // setup
pinMode(INPUT_buttonLeft, INPUT_PULLUP); // BUTTON
pinMode(INPUT_buttonRight, INPUT_PULLUP); // BUTTON
digitalWrite(OUTPUT_simulEncodA, Quadra & Phase2); // initialise quadrature signal
digitalWrite(OUTPUT_simulEncodB, Quadra & Phase1); // on pins 11, 12
} //
void additionalButtons(){ // 1 .. 8 BUTTONS, 16 with word instead byte
if (millis() - prevmillis > 1) { //! ATTENTION // // Wokwi=1,real Mega=20 (ms debounce period)
prevmillis = millis(); //
byte iii = ~PINF & buttonAll; // PORTF bit 0 & 3 (A0 A3) ***for Mega***
byte jjj = actionStat; //
actionStat = iii & actionMemo; // buttons status (state)
actionDown = (jjj ^ actionStat) & actionStat; // buttons is (are) just pressed (front)
actionUp = (iii ^ jjj) & jjj; // buttons is (are) just released (front)
actionMemo = iii; // buttons configuration stored for next use
if (actionStat & maskAutoRepeat) { // autoRepeat only on buttons in the mask
tempoAutoRepeat--; //
if (tempoAutoRepeat == 0) { //
tempoAutoRepeat = tempoRepeatFast; // autorepeat short tempo after 1st stroke
actionDown = actionStat; // re-triggs buttons that are kept pressed
} } else tempoAutoRepeat = tempoRepeatSlow; // autoRepeat long tempo for first stroke
if (buttonLeft & actionDown) { // ENCODER SIMULATION
if (Quadra && (Quadra != Phase1_2)) Quadra ^= Phase2; // left button pressed
else Quadra ^= Phase1; // make quadrature signal
digitalWrite(OUTPUT_simulEncodA, Quadra & Phase2); // write quadrature signal
digitalWrite(OUTPUT_simulEncodB, Quadra & Phase1); // on pin 11,12
} //
if (buttonRight & actionDown) { // right button pressed
if (Quadra && (Quadra != Phase1_2)) Quadra ^= Phase1; // make quadrature signal
else Quadra ^= Phase2; //
digitalWrite(OUTPUT_simulEncodA, Quadra & Phase2); // write quadrature signal
digitalWrite(OUTPUT_simulEncodB, Quadra & Phase1); // on pin 11,12
} //
} //
} //