// experiment with Acceleration Schemes
// Work in progress 2024-11-26
// 6 Axis CNC Demo RAMPS - supports RAMPS 1.4 controller
// [email protected] 2013-10-28
// DaveX 202402022
// RAMPS should be treated like a MEGA 2560 Arduino.
// Copyright at end of file.
// please see http://www.github.com/MarginallyClever/GcodeCNCDemo for more information.
// https://wokwi.com/projects/390478474763185153
// Modified from RUMBA Code & simulation at https://wokwi.com/projects/327981866411885138
// Modified from https://github.com/MarginallyClever/GcodeCNCDemo/blob/master/GcodeCNCDemo6AxisRumba/GcodeCNCDemo6AxisRumba.ino
// for Wokwi Mega with Stepper drivers
// Also includes pull request https://github.com/MarginallyClever/GcodeCNCDemo/pull/36
// enabling feed rates slower than 200 steps/sec.
// See also: https://wokwi.com/projects/390741120778917889
// for a 6-axis coordinated control without gcode, but with Bresenham.
// WIP -- time-based acceleration drf 2024-09-20
//#define VERBOSE (1) // add to get a lot more serial output.
#define VERSION (2) // firmware version
#define BAUD (57600) // How fast is the Arduino talking?
#define MAX_BUF (64) // What is the longest message Arduino can store?
//#define STEPS_PER_TURN (400) // does nothing // depends on your stepper motor. most are 200.
#define MAX_FEEDRATE (1000000.0) // steps/sec
#define MIN_FEEDRATE (0.01) // steps/sec
#define PULLIN_FEEDRATE (200) // steps/sec
#define ACCELERATION_SPSS (100) // steps/sec/sec TIME
#define ACCELERATION_SPS (1) // steps/step ORIG
#define NUM_AXIES (6)
// for arc directions
#define ARC_CW (1)
#define ARC_CCW (-1)
// Arcs are split into many line segments. How long are the segments?
#define MM_PER_SEGMENT (10)
enum MotionSchemes {ORIG, TIME };
const MotionSchemes MotionScheme = ORIG;
// for line()
typedef struct {
long delta; // number of steps to move
long absdelta;
long over; // for dx/dy bresenham calculations
} Axis;
typedef struct {
int step_pin;
int dir_pin;
int enable_pin;
int limit_switch_pin;
} Motor;
Axis a[NUM_AXIES]; // for line()
Axis atemp; // for line()
Motor motors[NUM_AXIES];
char serialBuffer[MAX_BUF]; // where we store the message until we get a ';'
int sofar; // how much is in the buffer
// speeds
float fr = 0; // human version
long step_delay; // machine version
float px, py, pz, pu, pv, pw; // position
// settings
char mode_abs = 1; // absolute mode?
long line_number = 0;
// RAMPS pins from https://reprap.org/wiki/RAMPS_1.4#Pins & https://forum.arduino.cc/t/arduino-mega-use-analog-pins-as-digital/13844/6?u=davex
// For RAMPS 1.4
#define X_STEP_PIN 54 //A0
#define X_DIR_PIN 55 //A1
#define X_ENABLE_PIN 38
#define X_MIN_PIN 3
#define X_MAX_PIN -1 //PIN 2 is used
#define Y_STEP_PIN 60 //A6
#define Y_DIR_PIN 61 //A7
#define Y_ENABLE_PIN 56 //A2
#define Y_MIN_PIN 14
#define Y_MAX_PIN -1 //PIN 15 is used
#define Z_STEP_PIN 46
#define Z_DIR_PIN 48
#define Z_ENABLE_PIN 62
#define Z_MIN_PIN 18
#define Z_MAX_PIN -1 //PIN 19 is used
//extruder 1
#define E0_STEP_PIN 26
#define E0_DIR_PIN 28
#define E0_ENABLE_PIN 24
//extruder 2
#define E1_STEP_PIN 36
#define E1_DIR_PIN 34
#define E1_ENABLE_PIN 30
#define SDPOWER -1
//ChipSelect, Hardware SS Pin on Mega, 10 for Arduino Boards, always kept as output
#define SDCS_PIN 53
#define SD_DETECT_PIN -1 //currently not implemented
#define LED_PIN 13
#define FAN_PIN 9
#define PS_ON_PIN 12 //ATX , awake=LOW, SLEEP=High
#define KILL_PIN -1
#define HEATER_0_PIN 10 // Extruder Heater
#define HEATER_1_PIN 8
// extra on end
#define AUX_STEP_PIN 16
#define AUX_DIR_PIN 17
#define AUX_ENABLE_PIN 23
#define AUX_MIN_PIN 25
#define E0_MIN_PIN 27
#define E1_MIN_PIN 29
delay for the appropriate number of microseconds
@input ms how many milliseconds to wait
void pause(long ms) {
delay(ms / 1000);
delayMicroseconds(ms % 1000); // delayMicroseconds doesn't work for values > ~16k.
Set the feedrate (speed motors will move)
@input nfr the new speed in steps/second
void feedrate(float nfr) { //
if (fr == nfr) return; // same as last time? quit now.
if (nfr > MAX_FEEDRATE || nfr < MIN_FEEDRATE) { // don't allow crazy feed rates
Serial.print(F("New feedrate must be greater than "));
Serial.print(F("steps/s and less than "));
step_delay = 1000000 / nfr; // cruising step interval
fr = nfr;
Set the logical position
@input npx new position x
@input npy new position y
void position(float npx, float npy, float npz, float npu, float npv, float npw) {
// here is a good place to add sanity tests
px = npx;
py = npy;
pz = npz;
pu = npu;
pv = npv;
pw = npw;
Supports movement with both styles of Motor Shield
@input newx the destination x position
@input newy the destination y position
void onestep(int motor) {
#ifdef VERBOSE
char *letter = "XYZUVW";
digitalWrite(motors[motor].step_pin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(motors[motor].step_pin, LOW);
Uses bresenham's line algorithm to move both motors
@input newx the destination x position
@input newy the destination y position
void line(float newx, float newy, float newz, float newu, float newv, float neww) {
a[0].delta = newx - px;
a[1].delta = newy - py;
a[2].delta = newz - pz;
a[3].delta = newu - pu;
a[4].delta = newv - pv;
a[5].delta = neww - pw;
long i, j, maxsteps = 0;
for (i = 0; i < NUM_AXIES; ++i) {
a[i].absdelta = abs(a[i].delta);
if ( maxsteps < a[i].absdelta ) maxsteps = a[i].absdelta;
// set the direction once per movement
digitalWrite(motors[i].dir_pin, a[i].delta > 0 ? HIGH : LOW);
for (i = 0; i < NUM_AXIES; ++i) {
a[i].over = maxsteps / 2;
switch (MotionScheme) {
case TIME: // Work in progress -- use ORIG
// motion planning -- time-based
// interval = dt = /speed;
// acceleration phase:
// v = v0+t*a x = x0 + v0*t + 1/2a*t^2
// v-v0 = t*a -> t =(v-v0)/a
// x-x0 = v0*t + 1/2*a*t^2
// x-x0 = t*
long v_top = fr;
long v0 = min(PULLIN_FEEDRATE,v_top);
long delta_v = fr-v0;
const long inv_acc_us = 1000000/ACCELERATION_SPSS;
long delta_t_us = delta_v * inv_acc_us;
long steps_to_accel = v0*delta_t_us/1000000
+ ((ACCELERATION_SPSS * delta_t_us)/1000000)*delta_t_us/1000000/2;
long dt = 1000000 / v0 ; // initial interval
long t = 0; // start of motion
long v = v0+ (t*ACCELERATION_SPSS)/1000000;
long accel = 1; // us/step d(dt)/step
//steps_to_accel = dt - step_delay; // interval difference
if (steps_to_accel < 0) { // faster
steps_to_accel = 0;
dt = step_delay;
if (steps_to_accel > maxsteps / 2 ) { // first half of motion
steps_to_accel = maxsteps / 2;
long steps_to_decel = maxsteps - steps_to_accel; // symmetric
Serial.print("START interval(us) ");
Serial.print("us, TOP ");
Serial.print("accel until step ");
Serial.print("decel after step ");
Serial.print("total ");
#ifdef VERBOSE
Serial.println(F("Start >"));
// execute motion +/-accel us/step
for ( i = 0; i < maxsteps; ++i ) {
for (j = 0; j < NUM_AXIES; ++j) {
a[j].over += a[j].absdelta;
if (a[j].over >= maxsteps) {
a[j].over -= maxsteps;
digitalWrite(motors[j].step_pin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(motors[j].step_pin, LOW);
if (i < steps_to_accel) {
dt -= accel;
if (i >= steps_to_decel) {
dt += accel;
pause(dt); // wait for next step
#ifdef VERBOSE
Serial.println(F("< Done."));
break ; // end case TIME
case ORIG:
// motion planning -- interval = dt -/+ accel*n_step
// triangular//instant
// start with initial interval dt, subtract steps_to_accel every step until halfway,
// then reverse
long dt = 1000000 / PULLIN_FEEDRATE ; // sets starting interval 200us or 5000sps
long accel = ACCELERATION_SPS; // us/step d(dt)/step
long steps_to_accel = dt - step_delay; // interval difference
if (steps_to_accel < 0) { // faster
steps_to_accel = 0;
dt = step_delay;
if (steps_to_accel > maxsteps / 2 ) // first half of triangle
steps_to_accel = maxsteps / 2;
long steps_to_decel = maxsteps - steps_to_accel;
Serial.print("START interval(us) ");
Serial.print("us, TOP ");
Serial.print("accel until step ");
Serial.print("decel after step ");
Serial.print("total ");
#ifdef VERBOSE
Serial.println(F("Start >"));
// execute motion +/-accel us/step
for ( i = 0; i < maxsteps; ++i ) {
for (j = 0; j < NUM_AXIES; ++j) {
a[j].over += a[j].absdelta;
if (a[j].over >= maxsteps) {
a[j].over -= maxsteps;
digitalWrite(motors[j].step_pin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(motors[j].step_pin, LOW);
if (i < steps_to_accel) {
dt -= accel;
if (i >= steps_to_decel) {
dt += accel;
pause(dt); // wait for next step
#ifdef VERBOSE
Serial.println(F("< Done."));
break ; // end case ORIG
position(newx, newy, newz, newu, newv, neww);
// returns angle of dy/dx as a value from 0...2PI
static float atan3(float dy, float dx) {
float a = atan2(dy, dx);
if (a < 0) a = (PI * 2.0) + a;
return a;
// This method assumes the limits have already been checked.
// This method assumes the start and end radius match.
// This method assumes arcs are not >180 degrees (PI radians)
// cx/cy - center of circle
// x/y - end position
// dir - ARC_CW or ARC_CCW to control direction of arc
static void arc(float cx, float cy, float x, float y, float dir) {
// get radius
float dx = px - cx;
float dy = py - cy;
float radius = sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
// find angle of arc (sweep)
float angle1 = atan3(dy, dx);
float angle2 = atan3(y - cy, x - cx);
float theta = angle2 - angle1;
if (dir > 0 && theta < 0) angle2 += 2 * PI;
else if (dir < 0 && theta > 0) angle1 += 2 * PI;
theta = angle2 - angle1;
// get length of arc
// float circ=PI*2.0*radius;
// float len=theta*circ/(PI*2.0);
// simplifies to
float len = abs(theta) * radius;
int i, segments = ceil( len * MM_PER_SEGMENT );
float nx, ny, angle3, scale;
for (i = 0; i < segments; ++i) {
// interpolate around the arc
scale = ((float)i) / ((float)segments);
angle3 = ( theta * scale ) + angle1;
nx = cx + cos(angle3) * radius;
ny = cy + sin(angle3) * radius;
// send it to the planner
line(nx, ny, pz, pu, pv, pw);
line(x, y, pz, pu, pv, pw);
Look for character /code/ in the buffer and read the float that immediately follows it.
@return the value found. If nothing is found, /val/ is returned.
@input code the character to look for.
@input val the return value if /code/ is not found.
float parseNumber(char code, float val) {
char *ptr = serialBuffer; // start at the beginning of buffer
while ((long)ptr > 1 && (*ptr) && (long)ptr < (long)serialBuffer + sofar) { // walk to the end
if (*ptr == code) { // if you find code on your walk,
return atof(ptr + 1); // convert the digits that follow into a float and return it
ptr = strchr(ptr, ' ') + 1; // take a step from here to the letter after the next space
return val; // end reached, nothing found, return default val.
write a string followed by a float to the serial line. Convenient for debugging.
@input code the string.
@input val the float.
void output(char *code, float val) {
print the current position, feedrate, and absolute mode.
void where() {
output("X", px);
output("Y", py);
output("Z", pz);
output("U", pu);
output("V", pv);
output("W", pw);
output("F", fr);
Serial.println(mode_abs ? "ABS" : "REL");
display helpful information
void help() {
Serial.print(F("GcodeCNCDemo6AxisV2 "));
Serial.println(F("G00/G01 [X/Y/Z/U/V/W(steps)] [F(feedrate)]; - linear move"));
Serial.println(F("G02 [X(steps)] [Y(steps)] [I(steps)] [J(steps)] [F(feedrate)]; - clockwise arc"));
Serial.println(F("G03 [X(steps)] [Y(steps)] [I(steps)] [J(steps)] [F(feedrate)]; - counter-clockwise arc"));
Serial.println(F("G04 P[seconds]; - delay"));
Serial.println(F("G90; - absolute mode"));
Serial.println(F("G91; - relative mode"));
Serial.println(F("G92 [X/Y/Z/U/V/W(steps)]; - change logical position"));
Serial.println(F("M18; - disable motors"));
Serial.println(F("M100; - this help message"));
Serial.println(F("M114; - report position and feedrate"));
Serial.println(F("All commands must end with a newline."));
Serial.println(F("Try G1 X100 Y200 Z300 U400 V500 W600 F60"));
Read the input buffer and find any recognized commands. One G or M command per line.
void processCommand() {
int cmd = parseNumber('G', -1);
switch (cmd) {
case 0:
case 1: { // line
feedrate(parseNumber('F', fr));
line( parseNumber('X', (mode_abs ? px : 0)) + (mode_abs ? 0 : px),
parseNumber('Y', (mode_abs ? py : 0)) + (mode_abs ? 0 : py),
parseNumber('Z', (mode_abs ? pz : 0)) + (mode_abs ? 0 : pz),
parseNumber('U', (mode_abs ? pu : 0)) + (mode_abs ? 0 : pu),
parseNumber('V', (mode_abs ? pv : 0)) + (mode_abs ? 0 : pv),
parseNumber('W', (mode_abs ? pw : 0)) + (mode_abs ? 0 : pw) );
case 2:
case 3: { // arc
feedrate(parseNumber('F', fr));
arc(parseNumber('I', (mode_abs ? px : 0)) + (mode_abs ? 0 : px),
parseNumber('J', (mode_abs ? py : 0)) + (mode_abs ? 0 : py),
parseNumber('X', (mode_abs ? px : 0)) + (mode_abs ? 0 : px),
parseNumber('Y', (mode_abs ? py : 0)) + (mode_abs ? 0 : py),
(cmd == 2) ? -1 : 1);
case 4: pause(parseNumber('P', 0) * 1000); break; // dwell
case 90: mode_abs = 1; break; // absolute mode
case 91: mode_abs = 0; break; // relative mode
case 92: // set logical position
position( parseNumber('X', 0),
parseNumber('Y', 0),
parseNumber('Z', 0),
parseNumber('U', 0),
parseNumber('V', 0),
parseNumber('W', 0) );
default: break;
cmd = parseNumber('M', -1);
switch (cmd) {
case 17: motor_enable(); break;
case 18: motor_disable(); break;
case 100: help(); break;
case 114: where(); break;
default: break;
prepares the input buffer to receive a new message and tells the serial connected device it is ready for more.
void ready() {
sofar = 0; // clear input buffer
Serial.print(F(">")); // signal ready to receive input
set up the pins for each motor
void motor_setup() {
motors[0].step_pin = X_STEP_PIN;
motors[0].dir_pin = X_DIR_PIN;
motors[0].enable_pin = X_ENABLE_PIN;
motors[0].limit_switch_pin = X_MIN_PIN;
motors[1].step_pin = Y_STEP_PIN;
motors[1].dir_pin = Y_DIR_PIN;
motors[1].enable_pin = Y_ENABLE_PIN;
motors[1].limit_switch_pin = Y_MIN_PIN;
motors[2].step_pin = Z_STEP_PIN;
motors[2].dir_pin = Z_DIR_PIN; // 56/A2 on Rumba
motors[2].enable_pin = Z_ENABLE_PIN; // 62/A8 on Rumba
motors[2].limit_switch_pin = Z_MIN_PIN;
motors[3].step_pin = E0_STEP_PIN;
motors[3].dir_pin = E0_DIR_PIN;
motors[3].enable_pin = E0_ENABLE_PIN;
motors[3].limit_switch_pin = Z_MIN_PIN;
motors[4].step_pin = E1_STEP_PIN;
motors[4].dir_pin = E1_DIR_PIN;
motors[4].enable_pin = E1_ENABLE_PIN;
motors[4].limit_switch_pin = E1_MIN_PIN;
motors[5].step_pin = AUX_STEP_PIN;
motors[5].dir_pin = AUX_DIR_PIN;
motors[5].enable_pin = AUX_ENABLE_PIN;
motors[5].limit_switch_pin = AUX_MIN_PIN;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < NUM_AXIES; ++i) {
// set the motor pin & scale
pinMode(motors[i].step_pin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(motors[i].dir_pin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(motors[i].enable_pin, OUTPUT);
void motor_enable() {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < NUM_AXIES; ++i) {
digitalWrite(motors[i].enable_pin, LOW);
void motor_disable() {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < NUM_AXIES; ++i) {
digitalWrite(motors[i].enable_pin, HIGH);
First thing this machine does on startup. Runs only once.
void setup() {
Serial.begin(BAUD); // open coms
help(); // say hello
position(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); // set staring position
feedrate(1000); // set default speed
After setup() this machine will repeat loop() forever.
void loop() {
// listen for serial commands
while (Serial.available() > 0) { // if something is available
char c = Serial.read(); // get it
Serial.print(c); // repeat it back so I know you got the message
if (sofar < MAX_BUF - 1) serialBuffer[sofar++] = c; // store it
if (c == '\n') {
// entire message received
serialBuffer[sofar] = 0; // end the buffer so string functions work right
Serial.print(F("\r\n")); // echo a return character for humans
processCommand(); // do something with the command
This file is part of GcodeCNCDemo.
GcodeCNCDemo is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
GcodeCNCDemo is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Foobar. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.