#define PIN_RED     25  // GPIO25 connected to R pin of traffic light
#define PIN_YELLOW  26  // GPIO26 connected to Y pin of traffic light
#define PIN_GREEN   27  // GPIO27 connected to G pin of traffic light

#define RED_TIME 2000     // Red light in millisecond
#define YELLOW_TIME 1000  // Yellow light in millisecond
#define GREEN_TIME 2000   // Green light in millisecond

#define RED 0     // Index in array
#define YELLOW 1  // Index in array
#define GREEN 2   // Index in array

const int pins[] = { PIN_RED, PIN_YELLOW, PIN_GREEN };
const int times[] = { RED_TIME, YELLOW_TIME, GREEN_TIME };
unsigned long last_time = 0;
int light_state = RED;  // start with red light

void setup() {

  // set all pins as ouput
  for (int i = RED; i <= GREEN; i++)
    pinMode(pins[i], OUTPUT);

  trafficLightOn(light_state); // start traffic light
  last_time = millis();  // save the last time  

void loop() {

  // Check the time of each light (red, yellow, green)
  if ((millis() - last_time) > times[light_state] ) {

    if (light_state >= 3)
      light_state = RED;  // new circle

    last_time = millis();

  // TO DO: your other code here

// function for change the light of the traffic light
void trafficLightOn(int light) {
  for (int i = RED; i <= GREEN; i++)
    if (i == light)
      digitalWrite(pins[i], HIGH); // Turn on
      digitalWrite(pins[i], LOW); // Turn off