#include <blinker.h>
#include <mapper.h>

#define MIN_DCYCLE  0   // Percent minimum dutycycle. (Close to 0)
#define MAX_DCYCLE  100 // Percent full dutycycle.
#define PERIOD      250 // Wave length in Ms. ("smaller in real life")   

blinker  aBlinker(2);                                 // The blinker runs the square wave.
mapper   dCycleMapper(0,1023,MAX_DCYCLE,MIN_DCYCLE);  // Mapping the POT value to a percent.
float    dCycle;

void setup() {

   Serial.begin(9600);            // So we can see what's going on.
   dCycle = -1;                   // A number we can't get to.
   readPOT();                     // Do the initial POT read.
   aBlinker.setPeriod(PERIOD);    // Set up the period of the square wave.
   aBlinker.setPercent(dCycle);   // Set the initial percent of the square wave.
   aBlinker.setOnOff(true);       // Fire it up the square wave.

// This guy reads the POT and if there is a change? It updates
// the global value and returns true. Else it returns false.
bool readPOT(void) {

  float localRead;
  localRead = dCycleMapper.map(analogRead(A0)); // Grab and map the reading.
  if (dCycle!=localRead) {                      // If there is a change..
    dCycle = localRead;                         // Update the global value.
    return true;                                // Tell the world!
  } else {                                      // Else..
    return false;                               // Let 'em know there's no change.

void loop() {

  idle();                           // Run the background stuff.
  if (readPOT()) {                  // If we read a change in the POT..
    aBlinker.setPercent(dCycle);    // Set the duty cycle of the blinker (square wave)
    Serial.print("Duty cycle :");   // Debugging print.