# MicroPython on a Raspberry Pi Pico W in Wokwi simulation.
# Warning: This is not even in beta, things might change.
# The code is just a small test.
# Code from here:
#  https://electrocredible.com/raspberry-pi-pico-serial-uart-micropython/

import select
import sys
import time
import machine

# Create an instance of a polling object 
poll_obj = select.poll()
# Register sys.stdin (standard input) for monitoring read events with priority 1

sys.stdout.write("Type a number 0...9\n")
# Sending out text does not work well, this delay helps.
sys.stdout.write("Be sure to select the Serial Monitor field in your browser\n")

while True:
  # Check if there is any data available on sys.stdin without blocking
  if poll_obj.poll(0):
    # Read one character from sys.stdin
    ch = sys.stdin.read(1)
    # Check if the character read is a number
    if (ch>='0') and (ch<'9'):
      print ("You typed the number: " )
      print (ch)
      print ("\n")

  # Small delay to avoid high CPU usage in the loop