A "Blink Bot" is a robot controlled by the blinking of areas on an LCD screen,
e.g. the screen of a cheap old cell phone. After years of looking, that seems to
be the best way to interface the amazing power per cost of those devices to robotics.
seriously, read that page before you scream? 

The idea here is to use a simple RasPi Pico to interface a cell phone to a roomba
making a telepresense robot out of scrap. The phone can load a web page (or cashe it)
for autonomous control (with help from web apis) 
or connect to a video meeting service so a human can drive the robot around with a
set of black and white cards held up to the camera. 

Another (probably better) option is to use this project:
and add the light sensing to that. 

#include <Adafruit_NeoPixel.h>
#define LED 4
/* Roomba interface. 
Pin   Name  Description
 1    Vpwr  Roomba battery + (unregulated)
 2    Vpwr  Roomba battery + (unregulated)
 3    RXD   0 – 5V Serial input to Roomba from Pico pin 1 GP0 UART0 Serial1
 4    TXD   0 – 5V Serial output from Roomba to Pico pin 2 GP1 UART0 Serial1
 5    DD    Device Detect input: Active low 500ms to wake up Roomba
 6    GND   Roomba battery ground
 7    GND   Roomba battery ground
#define ROOMBA_DD 3 //DIN pin 4 io pin for Device Detect output
// https://datasheets.raspberrypi.com/pico/Pico-2-Pinout.pdf

//Modes: off, passive, safe, full. Wait 20ms after a mode change
#define ROOMBA_CMD_START 128 //moves from off to passive mode
#define ROOMBA_CMD_CTRL 130 //move from passive to safe: cliff and wheel-drop safety
#define ROOMBA_CMD_FULL 132 //moves from safe to full mode: NO cliff or wheel-drop safety
#define ROOMBA_CMD_SAFE 131 //moves from full to safe mode
#define ROOMBA_CMD_POWER 133 //moves from safe or full to passive, goes to sleep
#define ROOMBA_CMD_DRIVE 137 //plus 2 byte speed and 2 byte turn radius. Safe or full mode only
#define ROOMBA_CMD_DOCK 143 //find the power dock and re-charge. Any mode

void roomba_drive(char * seq, int16_t vel, int16_t rad) {
Serial sequence: [137] [Velhi] [Vello] [Radhi] [Radlo]
Drive data bytes 1 and 2: Velocity (-500 – 500 mm/s)
Drive data bytes 3 and 4: Radius (-2000 – 2000 mm)
Special cases: Straight = 32768 = hex 8000
Turn in place clockwise = -1
Turn in place counter-clockwise = 1
To drive in reverse at a velocity of -200 mm/s while turning at
a radius of 500mm, you would send the serial byte sequence
[137] [255] [56] [1] [244].
Velocity = -200 = hex FF38 = [hex FF] [hex 38] = [255] [56]
Radius = 500 = hex 01F4 = [hex 01] [hex F4] = [1] [244]
  constrain(vel, -500, 500); //def max and min velocity in mm/s
  constrain(rad, -2000, 2000); //def max and min radius in mm
  if (0==rad) rad = 0x8000; //special case for straight
  seq[0] = ROOMBA_CMD_DRIVE;
  seq[1] = vel >> 8;
  seq[2] = vel & 0xFF;
  seq[3] = rad >> 8;
  seq[4] = rad & 0xFF;


void roomba_init() {
  digitalWrite(ROOMBA_DD, LOW);
  delay(500+100); //wakey, wakey!

char buf[5];
//Adafruit_NeoPixel pixels(1, 25, NEO_GRB + NEO_KHZ800);

void setup() {
  digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH);
  pinMode(LED, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(LED, HIGH);
  while (!Serial) {
    delay(10); // wait for serial port to connect. Needed for native USB
  //Serial1.setRX(ROOMBA_TXD); Only on Earl Powell 
  Serial1.begin(57600); //default speed for roomba serial

#define DEAD_ZONE 100 //don't move if we are close to not moving
#define LITE_MID 250 //ADC reading with lite midrange

void loop() {
  //the ADC reading goes down as lite level goes up
  int lite_right = 1024 - analogRead(A0);
  int lite_left = 1024 - analogRead(A1);

  int left_track = lite_left - LITE_MID;
  if (left_track < DEAD_ZONE) left_track = 0;
  int right_track = lite_right - LITE_MID;
  if (right_track < DEAD_ZONE) right_track = 0;
  int vel = left_track + right_track;
  int rad = left_track - right_track;

  roomba_drive(buf, vel, rad);


  digitalWrite(LED, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW);
  //pixels.setPixelColor( 0, pixels.Color(150, 150, 150));
  digitalWrite(LED, LOW);
  digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH);
  //pixels.setPixelColor( 0, pixels.Color(0, 0, 0));
