#include <runningAvg.h>
#include <blinker.h>
#include <timeObj.h>

#define NUM_READINGS  10                // Readings to average over.
#define OUTPUT_MS     250               // How long (in ms) between output lines.

blinker     theLED(6,50,500);           // Pin 6, On 50ms, period 500ms
runningAvg  theSmoother(NUM_READINGS);  // Raw data in, avarage out.
timeObj     outputTimer(OUTPUT_MS);

void setup() {

  Serial.begin(115200);   // Start serial,
  theLED.setOnOff(true);  // Start the blinker.

void loop() {
  float avarage;

  idle();                                         // Run the magic..
  avarage = theSmoother.addData(analogRead(A0));  // Data in, avarage out.
  if (outputTimer.ding()) {                       // If our time's up..
    Serial.print("Average : ");                   // Output the results.
    Serial.println(avarage);                      //
    outputTimer.start();                          // Restart the timer.