from random import randint
from machine import Pin
import time
time.sleep(0.1) # Wait for USB to become ready
print("Hello, Pi Pico!")
pin_id =[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]
pins = []
for i in range(10):
while True:
diff = randint(0,7)
for i in range (diff):
from machine import Pin
import utime
# Define pin numbers for LED bar
LED_PINS = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]
# Initialize LED pins
leds = [Pin(pin, Pin.OUT) for pin in LED_PINS]
# Define function to calculate Hamming distance
def hamming_distance(char1, char2):
# Convert characters to ASCII values
char1_ascii = ord(char1)
char2_ascii = ord(char2)
# Calculate XOR of ASCII values
xor_result = char1_ascii ^ char2_ascii
# Count number of set bits in XOR result
distance = 0
while xor_result:
distance += xor_result & 1
xor_result >>= 1
return distance
# Function to light up LEDs based on Hamming distance
def visualize_hamming_distance(str1, str2):
max_distance = max(len(str1), len(str2))
for i in range(max_distance):
if i < len(str1) and i < len(str2):
distance = hamming_distance(str1[i], str2[i])
# Light up LEDs based on Hamming distance
for j, led_pin in enumerate(LED_PINS):
if j < distance:
# If one string is shorter than the other, turn off remaining LEDs
for led in leds:
utime.sleep(1) # Pause for 1 second between comparisons
# Example usage
string1 = "hello"
string2 = "world"
visualize_hamming_distance(string1, string2)