unsigned long relayStartTime = 0;
bool relayActive = false;
#define  RelayPin  7
void setup() {
  pinMode(RelayPin, OUTPUT);


void loop() {
  // Turn on the relay if the distance is less than 50 and it's not already active
if (distance < 50 && !relayActive) {
    digitalWrite(RelayPin, HIGH);
    relayStartTime = millis(); // Record the time when the relay is turned on
    relayActive = true;

// Turn off the relay after 45 seconds
if (relayActive && millis() - relayStartTime >= 45000) {
    digitalWrite(RelayPin, LOW);
    relayActive = false;

  // The servo motor will rotate from 135 degree to 45 degree
  for (int x=135; x >= 45; x-=2){       
  for (int x = 45; x <= 135; x+= 2){
