#include <Arduino.h>

#include <algorithm>

struct device {
    char *type;
    char *location;
    bool active;
    String IPAddress;
    String WEBaddress;

    device d1;
    device d2;

  char *cmd1[5] = {"set","get","reset","clearbuffer","resetesp"};
  char *cmd2[4] = {"function","wifi","led","ble"};
  char *opt[8]  = {"on","off","up","down","bright","delay","fillall","effect"};
  char *hsv[4]  = {"hsv","hue","sat","val"};
  char *rgb[4]  = {"rgb","red","green","blue"};
  char *wifi[7] = {"sta","ap","ssid","password","ip","dns","gateway"};

struct FIRST
    String set = "set";
    String _get = "get";
    String reset = "reset";
    String clearbuffer = "clearbuffer";
    String resetesp = "resetesp";
  } first;

struct SECOND
    String function = "function";
    String wifi = "wifi";
    String led = "led";
    String ble = "ble";
  } second;

struct THIRD
    String on ="on";
    String off = "off";
    String up = "up";
    String down = "down";
    String bright = "bright";
    String _delay = "delay";
    String fillall = "fillall";
    String effect = "effect";
  } third;

struct HSV
    String hsv = "hsv";
    String hue = "hue";
    String sat = "sat";
    String val = "val";
  } hsv;

struct RGB
    String rgb = "rgb";
    String red = "red";
    String green = "green";
    String blue = "blue";
  } rgb;

struct WIFI
  String sta = "sta";
  String ap = "ap"; 
  String ssid = "ssid";
  String password = "password";
  String ip = "ip";
  String dns = "dns";
  String gateway = "gateway"; 
  } wifi;

void setup() {
  // put your setup code here, to run once:
  Serial.println("Hello, ESP32!");

  d1.type = "router";
  d1.location = "livingroom";
  d1.active = true;
  d1.IPAddress = "";
  d1.WEBaddress = "";

  d2.type = "router";
  d2.location = "masterbedroom";
  d2.active = true;
  d2.IPAddress = "";
  d2.WEBaddress = "n/a";

  //printf("first[1] = %s\n", FIRST[0]);
  printf("first[0] = %s\n", k.cmd1[0]);
  //printf("first[0] = %s\n", k.[0][0]);

void loop() {
  // put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
  delay(10); // this speeds up the simulation

  //Serial.println("Device 1 " + d1.type +"Location :" + d1.location);

int startpos = random(0, 20);
int length = random(3, 12);
int stoppos = startpos + length;

stoppos > startpos ? Serial.println("Yes") : Serial.println("No");
int maxpixel = max(stoppos, length);
maxpixel = max(startpos, maxpixel);

Serial.println("The max pixel is: " + String(maxpixel));

int minpixel = min(startpos, stoppos);
minpixel = min(minpixel,length);

Serial.println("The minimum pixel is: "+ String(minpixel));
