import time, array
from random import randint
time.sleep(0.1) # Wait for USB to become ready
from sys import exit
print("Hello, Pi Pico!")
def bubble_sort(r0, r1): # r0 = address of array, r1 = number of elements
mov(r3, r1) # r3 will track the number of elements to end of array
sub(r3, r3, 1) # decrement r3 for zero indexing
mov(r4, r0) # r4 will be the pointer to the current element in array
ldrb(r5, [r4, 0]) # Load current element
ldrb(r6, [r4, 1]) # Load next element
cmp(r5, r6)
strb(r6, [r4, 0]) # Swap the elements
strb(r5, [r4, 1])
add(r4, r4, 1) # Move to the next element
sub(r3, r3, 1) # Decrement the loop counter
cmp(r3, 0) # Compare counter with 0
bgt(inner_loop_start) # If counter > 0, loop again
sub(r1, r1, 1) # Decrement number of elements to sort
cmp(r1, 1) # If we've sorted enough elements, we can stop
bgt(loop_start) # Otherwise, start the outer loop again
def bubble_sort_optimized(r0, r1): # r0 = address of array, r1 = number of elements
mov(r2, r1) # r2 keeps the original count for resetting the swap flag position
mov(r3, r1) # r3 is the inner loop counter
sub(r3, r3, 1) # decrement for zero indexing
mov(r4, r0) # r4 is the pointer to the current element
# Initialize swap flag to 0 (no swaps)
# Swap flag will be at address r0 + r1 (outside the array data)
add(r7, r0, r2) # r7 points to the swap flag
mov(r5, 0)
strb(r5, [r7, 0]) # Set swap flag to 0
ldrb(r5, [r4, 0]) # Load current element
ldrb(r6, [r4, 1]) # Load next element
cmp(r5, r6)
strb(r6, [r4, 0]) # Swap the elements
strb(r5, [r4, 1])
mov(r5, 1)
strb(r5, [r7, 0]) # Set swap flag to 1
add(r4, r4, 1) # Move to the next element
sub(r3, r3, 1) # Decrement the loop counter
cmp(r3, 0) # Check if the loop should continue
ldrb(r5, [r7, 0]) # Check the swap flag
cmp(r5, 0)
beq(early_exit) # If no swaps, exit early
sub(r1, r1, 1) # Decrement the total number of elements to sort
cmp(r1, 1)
bgt(outer_loop_start) # Continue the outer loop if more elements to sort
@micropython.asm_thumb #pseudo random
def prng_lfsr(r0): # r0 = seed (32-bit)
mov(r1, r0) # Copy seed to r1
# Perform one LFSR iteration to get the next state
lsr(r2, r1, 31) # Isolate the highest bit (bit 31), shift it into the lowest bit position
eor(r1, r2) # XOR the isolated bit with the current state
lsr(r2, r1, 21) # Isolate bit 21, shift it into the lowest bit position
mov(r3, 1) # Prepare mask for bit isolation
and_(r2, r3) # Mask all but the least significant bit
eor(r1, r2) # XOR bit 21 into the feedback
lsr(r2, r1, 1) # Isolate bit 1, shift it into the lowest bit position
and_(r2, r3) # Mask all but the least significant bit using the same mask r3
eor(r1, r2) # XOR bit 1 into the feedback
and_(r2, r1) # Directly isolate the lowest bit of r1 (no shift needed)
eor(r1, r2) # XOR bit 0 into the feedback
lsr(r1, r1, 1) # Shift the register right by 1
lsl(r2, r2, 31) # Move the last XOR result back to the highest bit position
orr(r1, r2) # Insert the feedback result into the highest bit of r1
mov(r0, r1) # Move the result back to r0 for the output
def swap_registers(r0, r1):
# r0 = r0 XOR r1
eor(r0, r1)
# r1 = r1 XOR r0 (which is now r0 XOR r1)
eor(r1, r0)
# r0 = r0 XOR r1 (which is now the original r1)
eor(r0, r1)
seed = 9998
seed = prng_lfsr(seed)
ARY = array.array('B',(randint(0,255) for i in range(10)))