// https://forum.arduino.cc/t/movie-camera-trap-sketch-problems/1250853
// https://wokwi.com/projects/395926058392791041

const byte IR_sensor = 11; // input from IR sensor
const byte shutter = 3; // led pin
const byte filming_led = 9;

unsigned long shutterOnInterval = 333;
unsigned long filmPeriod = 5000;

unsigned long startShutter = 0;
unsigned long startFilming = 0;

unsigned long now;

enum fsmState {IDLE, START, FILM, FINI, DONE} theState;

void setup() {
  pinMode(IR_sensor, INPUT);
  pinMode(shutter, OUTPUT);
  pinMode (filming_led, OUTPUT);

  theState = IDLE;

void loop() {

  bool irHit = digitalRead(IR_sensor) == HIGH;  // pulled_down pushbutton, PRESST
  now = millis();

  switch (theState) {
  case IDLE :
    if (irHit) {
        Serial.print("start 1 ");
        startShutter = now;
        startFilming = now;
        digitalWrite(shutter, HIGH);
        digitalWrite(filming_led, HIGH);
        Serial.println("signal and filming started");

        theState = START;

  case START :
    if (now - startShutter >= shutterOnInterval) {
      digitalWrite(shutter, LOW);
      theState = FILM;
      Serial.println("2 signal stopped BUT Still filming");

// intentional no break here - check filming timer too, then exclusively

  case FILM :
    if (irHit) startFilming = now;    // activity moves the marker along 

    if (now - startFilming > filmPeriod)  {
      Serial.print("start 3 ");
      digitalWrite(shutter, HIGH);
      digitalWrite(filming_led, LOW);
      startShutter = now;
      theState = FINI;
      Serial.println("3 filming ended and signal to stop is started");

  case FINI :
    if (now - startShutter >= shutterOnInterval) {
      Serial.print("start 4 ");
      digitalWrite(shutter, LOW);
      theState = DONE;
      Serial.println("4 filming stopped and signal SENT");


  case DONE :
// auto re-arm. motion had shown long quiet period, so unconditionally.
    Serial.println("5 system idle awaits motion");      
    theState = IDLE;
