//                  Hide the mess of millis!

#include <mechButton.h>
#include <timeObj.h>
#include <blinker.h>

#define LED_PIN       2
#define BTN_PIN       3
#define BLINK_PER_MS  500

// ************************************************************
//              Whip up a quick subclass of blinker to
//                     do set number of blinks.
// ************************************************************

// The class setup..
class numberedBlinks : public blinker {

public :
          numberedBlinks(int inPin);
  virtual ~numberedBlinks(void);

          void  setNumBlinks(int inNum);
  virtual void  pulseOff(void);

          int   numBlinks;

// The actual code..

// Constructor. Pass in pin number to base blinker is all it does.
numberedBlinks::numberedBlinks(int inPin)
  :blinker(inPin) {  }

// Destructor has nothing to do.
numberedBlinks::~numberedBlinks(void) {  }

// New function sets the number of blinks and turns on the blinking.
void numberedBlinks::setNumBlinks(int inNum) {

    if (inNum>0) {        // If its a valid value.
      numBlinks = inNum;  // Save it off.
      setOnOff(true);     // Flip the ON switch.

// Inherited pulseOff. Turns us off when completed.
void numberedBlinks::pulseOff(void) {

  numBlinks--;          // Bump down the count.
  if (numBlinks==0) {   // If we hit zero..
    setOnOff(false);    // Flip OFF the On/Off switch.
  }                     //
  blinker::pulseOff();  // Let the function we overrode for this do it's thing.

// ************************************************************
//              That's it for the subclass of blinker
//                 We return to the main program.
// ************************************************************

mechButton      ourBtn(BTN_PIN);        // Button manager. Debounces and does callbacks.
numberedBlinks  ourBlinker(LED_PIN);    // LED manager. Lets you set a # of blinks.
timeObj         our3SecTimer(3000);     // A 3 second timer.
int             count;                  // A place to save the current number of button pushes.

void setup() {

  Serial.begin(115200);                                 // Fire up Serial.
  ourBtn.setCallback(btnClk);                           // Set callback for button manager.
  ourBlinker.setPeriod(BLINK_PER_MS);                   // Set the period for the LED manager.
  ourBlinker.setPercent(50);                            // Set the %on for the LED manager.
  count = 0;                                            // Clear count for.. counting.
  Serial.println("Button hasn't been pressed yet.");    // Give the user a hint.

void btnClk() {

  if (ourBtn.getState()) {                      // If the button has been released..
    our3SecTimer.start();                       // Start the 3 sec timer.
    count++;                                    // Bump up the count.
    Serial.print("Button has been pressed ");   // Amuse the user.
    Serial.print(count);                        //
    Serial.println(" times.");                  //

void loop() {
  idle();                             // Run background stuff.
  if (our3SecTimer.ding()) {          // Timer ran out? **ding!**
    ourBlinker.setNumBlinks(count);   // Tell the blinker to do it this many times.
    our3SecTimer.reset();             // Reset the timer. Turn it off.
    count = 0;                        // Reset the count for the next set.