#include "WaterPort.h"

// Hardware Unique Idenditfier
// Hash created from time and WWV
const String HWUID = "1234";
// Haardware Version
const String WWV = "0.01";
// Number of ports in the device
const byte WATER_PORTS = 2;

// Pins used
    // DS	Serial input
    const byte DSP = 13;
    // SHCP	Serial clock
    const byte SCHP = 11;
    // STCP	Storage (latch) pin
    const byte STCP = 12;
    // MR	Reset (clear), active low. Connect to VCC if not used
    const byte MRP = 10;
    // Check water level
    const byte WLP = 9;

// pulse width in microseconds
const int PULSE_WIDTH = 10;      

// 500ms or HALF_SECOND trigger
bool HALF_SECOND = false;
// Millisecoends between changes to ports
const int FREQ_SET_PORTS = 500;
const int FREQ_CHK_PORTS = 1000;

WaterPort ports[WATER_PORTS];

// TODO Delete when real code in t loop no longer requies it
int pattern = 10101010;
int timerCount = 1;
unsigned long ac = 0xFFFFFF00;
unsigned long check = 5;

void setup() {
  Serial.begin( 115200);

  pinMode(DSP, OUTPUT);   // clock signal, idle LOW
  pinMode(SCHP, OUTPUT);   // latch (copy input into registers), idle HIGH
  pinMode(STCP, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(MRP, OUTPUT);    // High to send power to level pins
  pinMode(WLP, INPUT);
  digitalWrite(MRP, HIGH);

  // Timer 0A Setup for 1 ms
  // https://deepbluembedded.com/arduino-timer-calculator-code-generator/
  TCCR0A = 0;           // Init Timer0A
  TCCR0B = 0;           // Init Timer0B
  TCCR0B |= B00000011;  // Prescaler = 64
  OCR0A = 250;        // Timer Compare0A Register
  TIMSK0 |= B00000010;  // Enable Timer COMPA Interrupt

void loop() {
  // Check for server action - Then may be better as an inturupt i2c

  // Check for next object actions
  long curTime = millis();
  for (int port = 0; port < WATER_PORTS; port++ ) {
    Serial.println((String) "Chek and set port " + port);
  Serial.println("Break While");

  // Send actions to Server

  // Do next object action

  // Check time between interatins of loop. To see if they are resonable.

  if (HALF_SECOND == true){
    HALF_SECOND = false;
  if (time_to_set_ports()){
    pattern = ~pattern; // Invert the pattern

  OCR0A += 250; // Advance The COMPA Register
  // Handle The Timer Interrupt
  if (timerCount >= 500) {
    HALF_SECOND = true;
    timerCount = 1;

boolean time_to_set_ports(){
  static long future;
  if (millis() > future){
    future = millis() + FREQ_SET_PORTS;
    return true;
  } else {
    return false;

void set_ports(int ports){
  digitalWrite(STCP, LOW);
  shiftOut(DSP, SCHP, LSBFIRST, ports);
  digitalWrite(STCP, HIGH);

// boolean time_to_check_ports(){
//   static long future;
//   if (millis() > future){
//     future = millis() + FREQ_CHK_PORTS;
//     return true;
//   } else {
//     return false;
//   }
// }

// void check_ports(){
//   for(int i = 0; i < 0; i++){
//     ports[i].check_port()
//   }

// unsigned long future_time(unsigned long timeDelay){
//   return millis() + timeDelay;
// } 
