#include <SPI.h> // Include the SPI library
#include <Wire.h> // Include the Wire library for Serial communication

#define DATA_PIN  D11   // Data pin DS
#define CLOCK_PIN  D13 // Clock pin SHCP
#define LATCH_PIN  D10  // Latch pin STCP

void shiftOutCustom(byte dataPin, byte clockPin, byte latchPin, byte val) {
  digitalWrite(latchPin, LOW); // Pull latch low to start sending data
  shiftOut(dataPin, clockPin, LSBFIRST, val);
  digitalWrite(latchPin, HIGH); // Pull latch high to update the outputs

const byte segments[] = {
  B11111100, // 0
  B01100000, // 1
  B11011010, // 2
  B11110010, // 3
  B01100110, // 4
  B10110110, // 5
  B10111110, // 6
  B11100000, // 7
  B11111110, // 8 
  B11110110  // 9

void setup() {
  pinMode(DATA_PIN, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(LATCH_PIN, OUTPUT); // Set latch pin as output

  // Initialize other pins as needed

void loop() {
  // Display the digit 5 on the 7-segment display
  shiftOutCustom(DATA_PIN, CLOCK_PIN, LATCH_PIN, segments[5]); // Display the digit 5

  // Check if the 7-segment display is showing the digit 5
  if (segments[5] == B10110110) {
    Serial.println("The program is correct and is displaying the digit 5 on the 7-segment display.");
