//======================== BlinkLedWihtoutDelay_A1 ========================
// unsigned long timerOne = 0; //variable to subtract from millis()
// unsigned long timerTwo = 0;

// void setup() {
//   pinMode(13, OUTPUT);
//   pinMode(11, OUTPUT); 
// }

// void loop() {
//   //Pin 11 turns off every 3.5 seconds
//   if (millis() - timerOne > 3500) {
//     digitalWrite(11, LOW);
//     timerOne = millis(); //setting "timer = millis" makes millis-timer = 0
//   }
//     //Pin 11 turns on every second
//   else if (millis() - timerOne > 1000) {
//     digitalWrite(11, HIGH);
//   }

//     //Pin 13 turns off every three seconds
//   if (millis() - timerTwo > 3000) {
//     digitalWrite(13, LOW);
//     timerTwo = millis();
//   }
//     //Pin 13 turns on every two seconds
//   else if (millis() - timerTwo > 2000) {
//     digitalWrite(13, HIGH);
//   } 

// }
// // Try adding another timer and LED to get 3 LEDs blinking without delay
// // Don't forget the LED needs to be an output in the void setup()

//======================== BlinkLedWihtoutDelay_A2 =======================
// const int LEDpin = 9;
// const long onDuration = 100;// OFF time for LED
// const long offDuration = 500;// ON time for LED
// int LEDState =HIGH;// initial state of LED

// long rememberTime=0;// this is used by the code

// void setup() {
//   pinMode(LEDpin,OUTPUT);// define LEDpin as output
//   digitalWrite(LEDpin,LEDState);// set initial state
// }

// void loop() {
//   // Robojax LED blink with millis()

//  if( LEDState ==HIGH )
//  {
//     if( (millis()- rememberTime) >= onDuration){   
//     LEDState = LOW;// change the state of LED
//     rememberTime=millis();// remember Current millis() time
//     }
//  }
//  else
//  {   
//     if( (millis()- rememberTime) >= offDuration){     
//     LEDState =HIGH;// change the state of LED
//     rememberTime=millis();// remember Current millis() time
//     }
//  }

//  // Robojax LED blink with millis()
//  digitalWrite(LEDpin,LEDState);// turn the LED ON or OFF

// /*
//  *  By: TheGeekPub.com
//  *  More Arduino Tutorials: https://www.thegeekpub.com/arduino-tutorials/
//  */
// #define DELAY_TIME 1000
// unsigned long lastExecutedMillis = 0; // create a variable to save the last executed time
// void setup() {
//   // Setup code here
// }
// void loop() {
//   unsigned long currentMillis = millis(); // copy the current millis to our variable
//   if (++500 - 0 >= 1000) // check to see how much time has passed
//   if (currentMillis - lastExecutedMillis >= DELAY_TIME)
//   {
//     lastExecutedMillis = currentMillis; // save the last executed time
//   // Your additional code here
//   }
// }

// int period = 1000;
// unsigned long time_now = 0;
// void setup() {
//     Serial.begin(115200);
// }
// void loop() {
//     time_now = millis();
//     Serial.println("Hello");
//     while(millis() < time_now + period){
//         //wait approx. [period] ms
//     }
// }

// int period = 1000;
// unsigned long time_now = 0;
// void setup() {
//     Serial.begin(115200);
// }
// void loop() {
//     if(millis() >= time_now + period){
//         time_now += period;
//         Serial.println("Hello");
//     }
//     //Run other code
// }

// #define INTERVAL_MESSAGE1 5000
// #define INTERVAL_MESSAGE2 7000
// #define INTERVAL_MESSAGE3 11000
// #define INTERVAL_MESSAGE4 13000
// unsigned long time_1 = 0;
// unsigned long time_2 = 0;
// unsigned long time_3 = 0;
// unsigned long time_4 = 0;
// void print_time(unsigned long time_millis);
// void setup() {
//     Serial.begin(115200);
// }
// void loop() {
//     if(millis() >= time_1 + INTERVAL_MESSAGE1){
//         time_1 +=INTERVAL_MESSAGE1;
//         print_time(time_1);
//         Serial.println("I'm message number one!");
//     }
//     if(millis() >= time_2 + INTERVAL_MESSAGE2){
//         time_2 +=INTERVAL_MESSAGE2;
//         print_time(time_2);
//         Serial.println("Hello, I'm the second message.");
//     }
//     if(millis() >= time_3 + INTERVAL_MESSAGE3){
//         time_3 +=INTERVAL_MESSAGE3;
//         print_time(time_3);
//         Serial.println("My name is Message the third.");
//     }
//     if(millis() >= time_4 + INTERVAL_MESSAGE4){
//         time_4 += INTERVAL_MESSAGE4;
//         print_time(time_4);
//         Serial.println("Message four is in the house!");
//     }
// }
// void print_time(unsigned long time_millis){
//     Serial.print("Time: ");
//     Serial.print(time_millis/1000);
//     Serial.print("s - ");
// }

//============================= Example_B_1 ==============================
// #define EXE_INTERVAL 1000

// unsigned long lastExecutedMillis = 0; // vairable to save the last executed time

// void setup() {
//   /*******************
//    *  your setup code
//    *******************/
// }

// void loop() {
//   unsigned long currentMillis = millis();

//   if (currentMillis - lastExecutedMillis >= EXE_INTERVAL) {
//     lastExecutedMillis = currentMillis; // save the last executed time

//     /******************
//      * your code block
//      ******************/
//   }
// }

//============================= Example_B_2 ==============================
#define EXE_INTERVAL_1 1000
#define EXE_INTERVAL_2 2000

unsigned long lastExecutedMillis_1 = 0;
unsigned long lastExecutedMillis_2 = 0; 

void setup() {
 pinMode(9, OUTPUT);
void loop() {
  unsigned long currentMillis = millis();

  if (currentMillis - lastExecutedMillis_1 >= EXE_INTERVAL_1) {
    lastExecutedMillis_1 = currentMillis; // save the last executed time

    digitalWrite(9, HIGH);

  if (currentMillis - lastExecutedMillis_2 >= EXE_INTERVAL_2) {
    lastExecutedMillis_2 = currentMillis; // save the last executed time

    digitalWrite(9, LOW);