#include "Arduino.h"
#include "ArduinoUniqueID.h"

/// These are found and replaced by the compiler.
#define CompileDate __DATE__
#define CompileTime __TIME__

/// These are for returning copyright information, and storing this information in the code.
const String Copyright = "Philip McGaw"; ///< Copyright company / person's name.
String Product = "ProjectName";          ///< Project name. (Updated when I make a release).
int Hardware_Rev = -1;                   ///< Placeholder - Takes the value of the VERSION_PINS.
String Serial_Number = "-1";             ///< Placeholder - This is the serial number of the microprocessor.
const int Software_Version = 1;          ///< Firmware version. (Updated when I make a release).

String CompileYear = CompileDate;

void setup() {
  version();                              ///< Moves product population and version into memory.

  Serial.println((String) "© " + Copyright + " " + CompileYear + " - " + Product);
  Serial.println((String) "Software Version: \t\t" + Software_Version + " (" + CompileDate + " " + CompileTime + ")");
  Serial.println((String) "Hardware Version: \t\t" + Hardware_Rev);
  Serial.println((String) "Serial Number: \t\t\t" + Serial_Number);

void loop() {

 * Works out the hardware version, and the Serial number of the microcontroller.
 * This code is run once during setup.
void version() {

  CompileYear = CompileYear.substring(7, 11);


      Version	  Ratio VDD (dec)   Top Resistor Value		Bottom Resistor Value
      0	    	  1/16 (0.0625)  	  4k7		        				DNF
      1		      3/16 (0.1875)	    910R					        3k9
      2		      5/16 (0.3125)	    1k5						        3k3
      3		      7/16 (0.4375)	    2k4						        2k4 & 430R
      4		      9/16 (0.5625)	    2k4 & 430R	          2K4
      5		      11/16 (0.6875)	  3k3						        1k5
      6		      13/16 (0.8125)	  3k9						        910R
      7		      15/16 (0.9357)	  DNF						        4k7

  int valA = analogRead(PIN_A0);  // Analog pin A1
  int valB = analogRead(PIN_A1);  // Analog  pin A0
  valA = map(valA, 0, 1023, 7, 0); // Maps the value from analouge pin to 0-7.
  valB = map(valB, 0, 1023, 7, 0);

  if (valB != 0)
    valB = valB + 7;          // adds 7 to the MSB if it is not zero
  Hardware_Rev = valA; + valB; // gives us a hardware version between 0 and 21.

  Serial_Number = "";  ///< empties the string removing the -1 value we filled it with,

  for (size_t i = 0; i < UniqueIDsize; i++) {
    Serial_Number += String(UniqueID[i], HEX);