#include <LiquidCrystal_I2C.h>
// Create the lcd object address 0x3F and 16 columns x 2 rows 
LiquidCrystal_I2C lcd ( 0x27,16,2);  //
void  setup () {
   // Initialize the LCD connected 
  lcd. init ();
  // Turn on the backlight on LCD. 
  lcd. backlight ();
  // print the Message on the LCD.
  lcd. setCursor (6,0); 
  lcd.print ( "PVM" );
 // lcd.clear();
void  loop () {
    //Here cursor is placed on first position (col: 0) of the second line (row: 1) 
  lcd. setCursor (6,1);
   // We write the number of seconds elapsed 
  //lcd. print ( millis () / 1000);
  lcd. print ( "TMM" );
  delay (1000);