Make distinction between long and short press
Based on example at bottom of:


#include <Bounce2.h>

#define buttonPin 8
// define times for short and long presses:
#define shortTime 250
#define longTime 1000

#define noEvent    0
#define shortPress 1
#define longPress  2

// Instantiate a Bounce object called button :
Bounce button = Bounce();

unsigned long buttonPressStartTimeStamp;
unsigned long buttonPressDuration;
boolean startTimeout = false;
boolean endTimeout = false;
byte event;

void setup()
  pinMode(buttonPin, INPUT_PULLUP);
  button.interval(20);//set debounce interval

void loop()
  event = checkButton();

  switch (event)
    case shortPress:
      Serial.println("Short press");

    case longPress:
      Serial.println("Long press");

    case noEvent:
      // nothing...

byte checkButton()
  byte event = noEvent;
  // Update the Bounce instance, does digitalRead of button

  // Button press transition from HIGH to LOW)
  if (button.fell())
    buttonPressStartTimeStamp = millis();
    startTimeout = true;

  // Button release transition from LOW to HIGH) :
  if (button.rose())
    buttonPressDuration = (millis() - buttonPressStartTimeStamp);
    startTimeout = false;

  if (buttonPressDuration > 0 && buttonPressDuration <= shortTime)
    event = shortPress;
    buttonPressDuration = 0;

  if (startTimeout == true && (millis() - buttonPressStartTimeStamp) > longTime)
    event = longPress;
    startTimeout = false;
    buttonPressDuration = 0;
  return event;