Made by Gustavo Silveira, 2023.
- This Sketch reads the Arduino's digital and analog ports and send midi notes and midi control change
[email protected]
If you are using for anything that's not for personal use don't forget to give credit.
PS: Just change the value that has a comment like " // "
// Choosing your board
// Define your board, choose:
// "ATMEGA328" if using ATmega328 - Uno, Mega, Nano...
// "ATMEGA32U4" if using with ATmega32U4 - Micro, Pro Micro, Leonardo...
// "TEENSY" if using a Teensy board
// "DEBUG" if you just want to debug the code in the serial monitor
// you don't need to comment or uncomment any MIDI library below after you define your board
#define DEBUG 1
// #define ATMEGA328 1 // put here the uC you are using, like in the lines above followed by "1", like "ATMEGA328 1", "DEBUG 1", etc.
// Are you using buttons?
#define USING_BUTTONS 1 // comment if not using buttons
// Are you using potentiometers?
#define USING_POTENTIOMETERS 1 // comment if not using potentiometers
// -- Defines the MIDI library -- //
// if using with ATmega328 - Uno, Mega, Nano...
#ifdef ATMEGA328
#include <MIDI.h> // by Francois Best
// if using with ATmega32U4 - Micro, Pro Micro, Leonardo...
#elif ATMEGA32U4
#include "MIDIUSB.h"
// include the ResponsiveAnalogRead library
// https://github.com/dxinteractive/ResponsiveAnalogRead
#include <ResponsiveAnalogRead.h>
// ---- //
const int N_BUTTONS = 1; // total numbers of buttons
const int BUTTON_ARDUINO_PIN[1] = {2}; // pins of each button connected straight to the Arduino
int buttonCState[N_BUTTONS] = {}; // stores the button current value
int buttonPState[N_BUTTONS] = {}; // stores the button previous value
//#define pin13 1 // uncomment if you are using pin 13 (pin with led), or comment the line if not using
byte pin13index = 14; // put the index of the pin 13 of the buttonPin[] array if you are using, if not, comment
// debounce
unsigned long lastDebounceTime[N_BUTTONS] = { 0 }; // the last time the output pin was toggled
unsigned long debounceDelay = 50; // the debounce time; increase if the output flickers
const int N_POTS = 1; // total numbers of pots (slide & rotary)
const int POT_ARDUINO_PIN[1] = {A0}; // pins of each pot connected straight to the Arduino
int potCState[N_POTS] = { 0 }; // Current state of the pot
int potPState[N_POTS] = { 0 }; // Previous state of the pot
int potVar = 0; // Difference between the current and previous state of the pot
int midiCState[N_POTS] = { 0 }; // Current state of the midi value
int midiPState[N_POTS] = { 0 }; // Previous state of the midi value
const int TIMEOUT = 300; // Amount of time the potentiometer will be read after it exceeds the varThreshold
const int varThreshold = 20; // Threshold for the potentiometer signal variation
boolean potMoving = true; // If the potentiometer is moving
unsigned long PTime[N_POTS] = { 0 }; // Previously stored time
unsigned long timer[N_POTS] = { 0 }; // Stores the time that has elapsed since the timer was reset
int reading = 0;
// Responsive Analog Read
float snapMultiplier = 0.01; // (0.0 - 1.0) - Increase for faster, but less smooth reading
ResponsiveAnalogRead responsivePot[N_POTS] = {}; // creates an array for the responsive pots. It gets filled in the Setup.
int potMin = 10;
int potMax = 1023;
byte midiCh = 1; // MIDI channel to be used - start with 1 for MIDI.h lib or 0 for MIDIUSB lib
byte note = 36; // Lowest note to be used
byte cc = 1; // Lowest MIDI CC to be used
void setup() {
// Baud Rate
// use if using with ATmega328 (uno, mega, nano...)
// 31250 for MIDI class compliant | 115200 for Hairless MIDI
Serial.begin(31250); //
#ifdef DEBUG
Serial.println("Debug mode");
// Buttons
// Initialize buttons with pull up resistors
for (int i = 0; i < N_BUTTONS; i++) {
#ifdef pin13 // initialize pin 13 as an input
pinMode(BUTTON_ARDUINO_PIN[pin13index], INPUT);
for (int i = 0; i < N_POTS; i++) {
responsivePot[i] = ResponsiveAnalogRead(0, true, snapMultiplier);
responsivePot[i].setAnalogResolution(1023); // sets the resolution
void loop() {
void buttons() {
for (int i = 0; i < N_BUTTONS; i++) {
buttonCState[i] = digitalRead(BUTTON_ARDUINO_PIN[i]); // read pins from arduino
#ifdef pin13
if (i == pin13index) {
buttonCState[i] = !buttonCState[i]; // inverts the pin 13 because it has a pull down resistor instead of a pull up
if ((millis() - lastDebounceTime[i]) > debounceDelay) {
if (buttonPState[i] != buttonCState[i]) {
lastDebounceTime[i] = millis();
if (buttonCState[i] == LOW) {
// Sends the MIDI note ON accordingly to the chosen board
#ifdef ATMEGA328
// use if using with ATmega328 (uno, mega, nano...)
// MIDI.sendNoteOn(note + i, 127, midiCh); // note, velocity, channel
MIDI.sendControlChange(cc + i, 127, midiCh); // cc number, cc value, midi channel
#elif ATMEGA32U4
// use if using with ATmega32U4 (micro, pro micro, leonardo...)
// noteOn(midiCh, note + i, 127); // channel, note, velocity
controlChange(midiCh, cc + i, 127); // (channel, CC number, CC value)
#elif TEENSY
//do usbMIDI.sendNoteOn if using with Teensy
// usbMIDI.sendNoteOn(note + i, 127, midiCh); // note, velocity, channel
usbMIDI.sendControlChange(cc + i, 127, midiCh); // cc number, cc value, midi channel
#elif DEBUG
Serial.println(": button on");
} else {
// Sends the MIDI note OFF accordingly to the chosen board
#ifdef ATMEGA328
// use if using with ATmega328 (uno, mega, nano...)
// MIDI.sendNoteOn(note + i, 0, midiCh); // note, velocity, channel
MIDI.sendControlChange(cc + i, 0, midiCh); // cc number, cc value, midi channel
#elif ATMEGA32U4
// use if using with ATmega32U4 (micro, pro micro, leonardo...)
// noteOn(midiCh, note + i, 0); // channel, note, velocity
controlChange(midiCh, cc + i, 0); // (channel, CC number, CC value)
#elif TEENSY
//do usbMIDI.sendNoteOn if using with Teensy
// usbMIDI.sendNoteOn(note + i, 0, midiCh); // note, velocity, channel
usbMIDI.sendControlChange(cc + i, 0, midiCh); // cc number, cc value, midi channel
#elif DEBUG
Serial.println(": button off");
buttonPState[i] = buttonCState[i];
void potentiometers() {
for (int i = 0; i < N_POTS; i++) { // Loops through all the potentiometers
reading = analogRead(POT_ARDUINO_PIN[i]);
potCState[i] = responsivePot[i].getValue();
potCState[i] = analogRead(POT_ARDUINO_PIN[i]); // reads the pins from arduino
midiCState[i] = map(potCState[i], potMin, potMax, 0, 127); // Maps the reading of the potCState to a value usable in midi
//midiCState[i] = map(potCState[i], 0, 4096, 0, 127); // Maps the reading of the potCState to a value usable in midi - use for ESP32
if (midiCState[i] < 0) {
midiCState[i] = 0;
if (midiCState[i] > 127) {
midiCState[i] = 0;
potVar = abs(potCState[i] - potPState[i]); // Calculates the absolute value between the difference between the current and previous state of the pot
if (potVar > varThreshold) { // Opens the gate if the potentiometer variation is greater than the threshold
PTime[i] = millis(); // Stores the previous time
timer[i] = millis() - PTime[i]; // Resets the timer 11000 - 11000 = 0ms
if (timer[i] < TIMEOUT) { // If the timer is less than the maximum allowed time it means that the potentiometer is still moving
potMoving = true;
} else {
potMoving = false;
if (potMoving == true) { // If the potentiometer is still moving, send the change control
if (midiPState[i] != midiCState[i]) {
// Sends the MIDI CC accordingly to the chosen board
#ifdef ATMEGA328
// use if using with ATmega328 (uno, mega, nano...)
MIDI.sendControlChange(cc + i, midiCState[i], midiCh); // cc number, cc value, midi channel
#elif ATMEGA32U4
//use if using with ATmega32U4 (micro, pro micro, leonardo...)
controlChange(midiCh, cc + i, midiCState[i]); // (channel, CC number, CC value)
#elif TEENSY
//do usbMIDI.sendControlChange if using with Teensy
usbMIDI.sendControlChange(cc + i, midiCState[i], midiCh); // cc number, cc value, midi channel
#elif DEBUG
Serial.print("Pot: ");
Serial.print(" ");
//Serial.print(" ");
potPState[i] = potCState[i]; // Stores the current reading of the potentiometer to compare with the next
midiPState[i] = midiCState[i];
// if using with ATmega32U4 (micro, pro micro, leonardo...)
#ifdef ATMEGA32U4
// Arduino (pro)micro midi functions MIDIUSB Library
void noteOn(byte channel, byte pitch, byte velocity) {
midiEventPacket_t noteOn = { 0x09, 0x90 | channel, pitch, velocity };
void noteOff(byte channel, byte pitch, byte velocity) {
midiEventPacket_t noteOff = { 0x08, 0x80 | channel, pitch, velocity };
void controlChange(byte channel, byte control, byte value) {
midiEventPacket_t event = { 0x0B, 0xB0 | channel, control, value };