# Class to read data from the (GY-521) MPU6050 Accelerometer/Gyro Module
# Ported to MicroPython by Warayut Poomiwatracanont JAN 2023
# Original repo https://github.com/nickcoutsos/MPU-6050-Python
# and https://github.com/CoreElectronics/CE-PiicoDev-MPU6050-MicroPython-Module
from math import sqrt, atan2
from machine import Pin, SoftI2C
from time import sleep_ms
error_msg = "\nError \n"
i2c_err_str = "ESP32 could not communicate with module at address 0x{:02X}, check wiring"
# Global Variables
_GRAVITIY_MS2 = 9.80665
# Scale Modifiers
_ACC_SCLR_2G = 16384.0
_ACC_SCLR_4G = 8192.0
_ACC_SCLR_8G = 4096.0
_ACC_SCLR_16G = 2048.0
_GYR_SCLR_250DEG = 131.0
_GYR_SCLR_500DEG = 65.5
_GYR_SCLR_1000DEG = 32.8
_GYR_SCLR_2000DEG = 16.4
# Pre-defined ranges
_ACC_RNG_2G = 0x00
_ACC_RNG_4G = 0x08
_ACC_RNG_8G = 0x10
_ACC_RNG_16G = 0x18
_GYR_RNG_250DEG = 0x00
_GYR_RNG_500DEG = 0x08
_GYR_RNG_1000DEG = 0x10
_GYR_RNG_2000DEG = 0x18
# MPU-6050 Registers
_PWR_MGMT_1 = 0x6B
_TEMP_OUT0 = 0x41
_GYRO_XOUT0 = 0x43
_maxFails = 3
# Address
_MPU6050_ADDRESS = 0x68
def signedIntFromBytes(x, endian="big"):
y = int.from_bytes(x, endian)
if (y >= 0x8000):
return -((65535 - y) + 1)
return y
class MPU6050(object):
def __init__(self, bus=None, freq=None, sda=None, scl=None, addr=_MPU6050_ADDRESS):
# Checks any erorr would happen with I2C communication protocol.
self._failCount = 0
self._terminatingFailCount = 0
# Initializing the I2C method for ESP32
# Pin assignment:
# SCL -> GPIO 22
# SDA -> GPIO 21
self.i2c = SoftI2C(scl=Pin(22), sda=Pin(21), freq=100000)
# Initializing the I2C method for ESP8266
# Pin assignment:
# SCL -> GPIO 5
# SDA -> GPIO 4
# self.i2c = I2C(scl=Pin(5), sda=Pin(4))
self.addr = addr
# Wake up the MPU-6050 since it starts in sleep mode
self.i2c.writeto_mem(self.addr, _PWR_MGMT_1, bytes([0x00]))
except Exception as e:
raise e
self._accel_range = self.get_accel_range(True)
self._gyro_range = self.get_gyro_range(True)
def _readData(self, register):
failCount = 0
while failCount < _maxFails:
data = self.i2c.readfrom_mem(self.addr, register, 6)
failCount = failCount + 1
self._failCount = self._failCount + 1
if failCount >= _maxFails:
self._terminatingFailCount = self._terminatingFailCount + 1
return {"x": float("NaN"), "y": float("NaN"), "z": float("NaN")}
x = signedIntFromBytes(data[0:2])
y = signedIntFromBytes(data[2:4])
z = signedIntFromBytes(data[4:6])
return {"x": x, "y": y, "z": z}
# Reads the temperature from the onboard temperature sensor of the MPU-6050.
# Returns the temperature [degC].
def read_temperature(self):
rawData = self.i2c.readfrom_mem(self.addr, _TEMP_OUT0, 2)
raw_temp = (signedIntFromBytes(rawData, "big"))
return float("NaN")
actual_temp = (raw_temp / 340) + 36.53
return actual_temp
# Sets the range of the accelerometer
# accel_range : the range to set the accelerometer to. Using a pre-defined range is advised.
def set_accel_range(self, accel_range):
self.i2c.writeto_mem(self.addr, _ACCEL_CONFIG, bytes([accel_range]))
self._accel_range = accel_range
# Gets the range the accelerometer is set to.
# raw=True: Returns raw value from the ACCEL_CONFIG register
# raw=False: Return integer: -1, 2, 4, 8 or 16. When it returns -1 something went wrong.
def get_accel_range(self, raw = False):
# Get the raw value
raw_data = self.i2c.readfrom_mem(self.addr, _ACCEL_CONFIG, 2)
if raw is True:
return raw_data[0]
elif raw is False:
if raw_data[0] == _ACC_RNG_2G:
return 2
elif raw_data[0] == _ACC_RNG_4G:
return 4
elif raw_data[0] == _ACC_RNG_8G:
return 8
elif raw_data[0] == _ACC_RNG_16G:
return 16
return -1
# Reads and returns the AcX, AcY and AcZ values from the accelerometer.
# Returns dictionary data in g or m/s^2 (g=False)
def read_accel_data(self, g = False):
accel_data = self._readData(_ACCEL_XOUT0)
accel_range = self._accel_range
scaler = None
if accel_range == _ACC_RNG_2G:
scaler = _ACC_SCLR_2G
elif accel_range == _ACC_RNG_4G:
scaler = _ACC_SCLR_4G
elif accel_range == _ACC_RNG_8G:
scaler = _ACC_SCLR_8G
elif accel_range == _ACC_RNG_16G:
scaler = _ACC_SCLR_16G
print("Unkown range - scaler set to _ACC_SCLR_2G")
scaler = _ACC_SCLR_2G
x = accel_data["x"] / scaler
y = accel_data["y"] / scaler
z = accel_data["z"] / scaler
if g is True:
return {"x": x, "y": y, "z": z}
elif g is False:
x = x * _GRAVITIY_MS2
y = y * _GRAVITIY_MS2
z = z * _GRAVITIY_MS2
return {"x": x, "y": y, "z": z}
def read_accel_abs(self, g=False):
return sqrt(d["x"]**2+d["y"]**2+d["z"]**2)
def set_gyro_range(self, gyro_range):
self.i2c.writeto_mem(self.addr, _GYRO_CONFIG, bytes([gyro_range]))
self._gyro_range = gyro_range
# Gets the range the gyroscope is set to.
# raw=True: return raw value from GYRO_CONFIG register
# raw=False: return range in deg/s
def get_gyro_range(self, raw = False):
# Get the raw value
raw_data = self.i2c.readfrom_mem(self.addr, _GYRO_CONFIG, 2)
if raw is True:
return raw_data[0]
elif raw is False:
if raw_data[0] == _GYR_RNG_250DEG:
return 250
elif raw_data[0] == _GYR_RNG_500DEG:
return 500
elif raw_data[0] == _GYR_RNG_1000DEG:
return 1000
elif raw_data[0] == _GYR_RNG_2000DEG:
return 2000
return -1
# Gets and returns the GyX, GyY and GyZ values from the gyroscope.
# Returns the read values in a dictionary.
def read_gyro_data(self):
gyro_data = self._readData(_GYRO_XOUT0)
gyro_range = self._gyro_range
scaler = None
if gyro_range == _GYR_RNG_250DEG:
scaler = _GYR_SCLR_250DEG
elif gyro_range == _GYR_RNG_500DEG:
scaler = _GYR_SCLR_500DEG
elif gyro_range == _GYR_RNG_1000DEG:
scaler = _GYR_SCLR_1000DEG
elif gyro_range == _GYR_RNG_2000DEG:
scaler = _GYR_SCLR_2000DEG
print("Unkown range - scaler set to _GYR_SCLR_250DEG")
scaler = _GYR_SCLR_250DEG
x = gyro_data["x"] / scaler
y = gyro_data["y"] / scaler
z = gyro_data["z"] / scaler
return {"x": x, "y": y, "z": z}
def read_angle(self): # returns radians. orientation matches silkscreen
return {"x": x, "y": y}
from os import listdir, chdir
from machine import Pin
from time import sleep_ms
mpu = MPU6050()
# List all files directory.
print("Root directory: {} \n".format(listdir()))
# Change filename and fileformat here.
filename = "{}%s.{}".format("data_logs", "txt")
# Increment the filename number if the file already exists.
i = 0
while (filename % i) in listdir():
i += 1
# Save file in path /
with open(filename % i, "w") as f:
cols = ["Temp", "AcX", "AcY", "AcZ"]
f.write(",".join(cols) + "\n")
while True:
# Accelerometer Data
accel = mpu.read_accel_data() # read the accelerometer [ms^-2]
aX = accel["x"]
aY = accel["y"]
aZ = accel["z"]
print("x: " + str(aX) + " y: " + str(aY) + " z: " + str(aZ))
# Gyroscope Data
# gyro = mpu.read_gyro_data() # read the gyro [deg/s]
# gX = gyro["x"]
# gY = gyro["y"]
# gZ = gyro["z"]
# print("x:" + str(gX) + " y:" + str(gY) + " z:" + str(gZ))
# Rough Temperature
temp = mpu.read_temperature() # read the device temperature [degC]
print("Temperature: " + str(temp) + "°C")
# G-Force
# gforce = mpu.read_accel_abs(g=True) # read the absolute acceleration magnitude
# print("G-Force: " + str(gforce))
# Write to file
data = {"Temp" : temp,
"AcX" : aX,
"AcY" : aY,
"AcZ" : aZ
push = [ str(data[k]) for k in cols ]
row = ",".join(push)
f.write(row + "\n")
# Time Interval Delay in millisecond (ms)