#include <Streaming.h>
#include <Button_SL.hpp>
#include <LiquidCrystal_I2C.h>

Print &cout {Serial};
using namespace Btn;

constexpr uint8_t BOARD_COLS {3};
constexpr uint8_t BOARD_ROWS {BOARD_COLS};
constexpr uint8_t BOARD_SIZE {(BOARD_COLS + 2) * (BOARD_ROWS + 2)};
constexpr uint8_t BOARD_OFFSET {BOARD_COLS + 2};

// Index - Offsets to test whether three identical characters are in a row
//                      CHECK       ROW,     COL   DIAG. RIGHT       DIAG. LEFT

constexpr char BD {'@'};   // Value: border of playing field
constexpr char FD {' '};   // Value: playing field
constexpr char BOARD_INIT[BOARD_SIZE] {BD, BD, BD, BD, BD, BD, FD, FD, FD, BD, BD, FD, FD,
                                       FD, BD, BD, FD, FD, FD, BD, BD, BD, BD, BD, BD};

LiquidCrystal_I2C lcd(0x27, 20, 4); // I2C_ADDR, LCD_COLUMNS, LCD_LINES
Print &lcdOut {lcd};

ButtonSL bArray[] {{4}, {5}, {6}, {7}, {8}, {9}, {10}, {11}, {12}};
char board[BOARD_SIZE];

/// BDbrief Sets the playing field to its initial values
/// BDtparam (&brd)[N]   The playing field as an array
template <size_t N> void resetBoard(char (&brd)[N]) { memcpy(brd, BOARD_INIT, N); }

/// @brief Display of the playing field  (serial console)
/// @tparam  BDtparam (&brd)[N]   The playing field as an array
template <size_t N> void showBoard(char (&brd)[N]) {
  for (uint8_t i = BOARD_OFFSET; i < (N - BOARD_OFFSET); ++i) {
    if (brd[i] != BD) {
      cout << _FMT("[%,%,%]\n", brd[i], brd[i + 1], brd[i + 2]);
      i += 4;

/// @brief Display of the playing field  (LCD/TFT)
/// @param disp              Reference to display object
/// @tparam char (&brd)[N]   The playing field as an array
template <size_t N> void showBoard(LiquidCrystal_I2C &disp, char (&brd)[N]) {
  Print &lcdOut {disp};
  uint8_t row {0};
  for (uint8_t i = BOARD_OFFSET; i < (N - BOARD_OFFSET); ++i) {
    if (brd[i] != BD) {
      disp.setCursor(6, row);
      lcdOut << _FMT("[%,%,%]", brd[i], brd[i + 1], brd[i + 2]);
      i += 4;

/// @brief Show which player has the turn
/// @param disp     Reference to display object
/// @param plChar   Character of the player
/// @param plIdx    Index represents the Playernumber - 1
void showPlayer(LiquidCrystal_I2C &disp, const char plChar[], uint8_t plIdx) {
   Print &lcdOut {disp};
   disp.setCursor(0, 0);
   lcdOut << "P:" << plIdx+1;
   disp.setCursor(0, 1);
   lcdOut <<  F("(") << plChar[plIdx] << F(")");

/// @brief Show the winner
/// @param disp   Reference to display object
/// @param plIdx  Index represents the Playernumber - 1
void showWinner(LiquidCrystal_I2C &disp, uint8_t plIdx) {
  Print &lcdOut {disp};
  if (plIdx > 1) {
    lcdOut << F("No one has won %-)");
  } else {
    lcdOut << F("Player: ") << plIdx + 1 << F(" has won!");

/// @brief Deletes the fourth line of the display (status display)
/// @param disp   Reference to display object
void clearStatusRow(LiquidCrystal_I2C &disp) {
  Print &lcdOut {disp};
  lcdOut << _PAD(20,' ');   // clear fourth row

/// @brief Conversion from the simple offset (buttons) in the array
///        to the array from the playing field
/// @param pos
/// @return uint8_t
uint8_t calcBoardOffset(uint8_t pos) {
  uint8_t col = pos % BOARD_COLS;
  uint8_t row = pos / BOARD_ROWS;
  return (BOARD_OFFSET + 1) + (row * BOARD_OFFSET) + col;

/// @brief Implementation of a move. The player value is placed on the
///        corresponding field of the playing field (array).
/// @param brd      Array representing the playing field
/// @param pos      Position on the playing field (index 0 - 9)
/// @param value    Player value (-1 = player 1 or 1 = player 2)
/// @return true    Value was set
/// @return false   Value was not set
bool move(char brd[], uint8_t pos, const char value) {
  bool isValueAssigned {false};
  if (pos > (BOARD_COLS * BOARD_ROWS - 1)) {
    cout << F("ERROR!\n");   // Index out of bounds
    return isValueAssigned;

  uint8_t idx = calcBoardOffset(pos);
  // Only set player value if this field has not yet received one
  if (brd[idx] == FD) {
    brd[idx] = value;
    isValueAssigned = true;
  return isValueAssigned;

/// @brief Check whether there are three identical, consecutive values
///        horizontally, vertically or diagonally on the playing field.
///        https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e5lKoL9G0N4
/// @param brd    Array representing the playing field
/// @param idx    Index of the last player value entered on the playing field
/// @return true  identical Values
/// @return false no identical values
bool isRowComplete(char brd[], uint8_t idx) {
  char compare = brd[idx];
  uint8_t sum {1};

  for (auto &dirIdx : DIRECTIONS) {   // Get the index of the corresponding direction for comparison
    uint8_t sIdx = idx + dirIdx;
    sum = 1;
    while (brd[sIdx] == compare) {   // Compare to the right
      sIdx += dirIdx;
      sum += 1;
    sIdx = idx - dirIdx;
    while (brd[sIdx] == compare) {   // Compare to the left
      sIdx -= dirIdx;
      sum += 1;
    if (sum == 3) { return true; }
  return false;

/// @brief Check whether a button has been pressed
/// @tparam (&btns)[N]  Array with push-button objects
/// @return int8_t      Index of the button pressed or -1 if none was pressed.
template <size_t N> int8_t checkButtons(ButtonSL (&btns)[N]) {
  for (uint8_t i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
    if (btns[i].tick() != ButtonState::notPressed) { return i; }
  return -1;

void setup() {
  for (auto &b : bArray) { b.begin(); }
  // cout << F("Player: 1 (X) has the turn\n");
  showBoard(lcd, board);

void loop() {
  static bool restart {false};
  static char player[2] {'X', 'O'};
  static uint8_t pCounter[2] {0};
  static uint8_t pIdx {0};

  int8_t bVal = checkButtons(bArray);
  if (bVal > (-1)) {
    if (move(board, bVal, player[pIdx]) == true) {
      if (isRowComplete(board, calcBoardOffset(bVal))) {   // Three in a row?
        // cout << F("\nPlayer: ") << pIdx + 1 << F(" has won!\n");
        restart = true;
      } else if (pCounter[0] + pCounter[1] == (BOARD_ROWS * BOARD_COLS)) {   // no and no remaining fields
        showWinner(lcd,2); // Index 2 (as marker) if no one has won.
        // cout << F("\nNo one has won\n");
        restart = true;

      if (restart == true) {
        pCounter[0] = 0;
        pCounter[1] = 0;
        restart = false;

      pIdx = !pIdx;   // Swap Player
      // cout  << F("\nPlayer: ") << pIdx + 1 << F(" (") << player[pIdx] << F(") has the turn\n");