void selectDigit(int d) {
if (d <= 0 || d > 5)
PORTK = (1 << (d - 1));
void selectGraphic(int g) {
if (g == 0) PORTF = ~0xFC;//0
else if (g == 1) PORTF = ~0x60;//1
else if (g == 2) PORTF = ~0xDA;//2
else if (g == 3) PORTF = ~0xF2;//3
else if (g == 4) PORTF = ~0x66;//4
else if (g == 5) PORTF = ~0xB6;//5
else if (g == 6) PORTF = ~0xBE;//6
else if (g == 7) PORTF = ~0xE0;//7
else if (g == 8) PORTF = ~0xFE;//8
else if (g == 9) PORTF = ~0xF6;//9
else if (g == 21) PORTF = ~0xEE;//A
else if (g == 23) PORTF = ~0x9C;//C
else if (g == 25) PORTF = ~0x9E;//E
else if (g == 26) PORTF = ~0x8E;//F
else if (g == 28) PORTF = ~0x6E;//H
else if (g == 30) PORTF = ~0x70;//J
else if (g == 32) PORTF = ~0x1C;//L
else if (g == 36) PORTF = ~0xCE;//P
else if (g == 41) PORTF = ~0x7C;//U
else if (g == 61) PORTF = ~0xFA;//a
else if (g == 62) PORTF = ~0x3E;//b
else if (g == 63) PORTF = ~0x1A;//c
else if (g == 64) PORTF = ~0x7A;//d
else if (g == 68) PORTF = ~0x2E;//h
else if (g == 74) PORTF = ~0x2A;//n
else if (g == 75) PORTF = ~0x3A;//o
else if (g == 78) PORTF = ~0x0A;//r
else if (g == 81) PORTF = ~0x38;//u
else if (g == 85) PORTF = ~0x76;//y
else if (g == -10) PORTF = ~0xFD;//0.
else if (g == -1) PORTF = ~0x61;//1.
else if (g == -2) PORTF = ~0xDB;//2.
else if (g == -3) PORTF = ~0xF3;//3.
else if (g == -4) PORTF = ~0x67;//4.
else if (g == -5) PORTF = ~0xB7;//5.
else if (g == -6) PORTF = ~0xBF;//6.
else if (g == -7) PORTF = ~0xE1;//7.
else if (g == -8) PORTF = ~0xFF;//8.
else if (g == -9) PORTF = ~0xF7;//9.
else if (g == -21) PORTF = ~0xEF;//A.
else if (g == -23) PORTF = ~0x9D;//C.
else if (g == -25) PORTF = ~0x9F;//E.
else if (g == -26) PORTF = ~0x8F;//F.
else if (g == -28) PORTF = ~0x6F;//H.
else if (g == -30) PORTF = ~0x71;//J.
else if (g == -32) PORTF = ~0x1D;//L.
else if (g == -36) PORTF = ~0xCF;//P.
else if (g == -41) PORTF = ~0x7D;//U.
else if (g == -61) PORTF = ~0xFB;//a.
else if (g == -62) PORTF = ~0x3F;//b.
else if (g == -63) PORTF = ~0x1B;//c.
else if (g == -64) PORTF = ~0x7B;//d.
else if (g == -68) PORTF = ~0x2F;//h.
else if (g == -74) PORTF = ~0x2B;//n.
else if (g == -75) PORTF = ~0x3B;//o.
else if (g == -78) PORTF = ~0x0B;//r.
else if (g == -81) PORTF = ~0x39;//u.
else if (g == -85) PORTF = ~0x77;//y.
else PORTF = ~0x00;
struct screen_t {
int *digit1 = nullptr;
int *digit2 = nullptr;
int *digit3 = nullptr;
int *digit4 = nullptr;
int *digit5 = nullptr;
screen_t() {
digit1 = &m_digits[0];
digit2 = &m_digits[1];
digit3 = &m_digits[2];
digit4 = &m_digits[3];
digit5 = &m_digits[4];
void begin() {
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
m_digits[i] = 100;
void loop() {
if (micros() - m_lastTimer < 200)
m_lastTimer = micros();
if (m_lastDigit >= 5)
m_lastDigit = 0;
int m_lastTimer = 0;
int m_lastDigit = 0;
int m_digits[5] = {100};
screen_t screen;
volatile byte state = LOW;
void setup() {
// put your setup code here, to run once:
DDRF = 0xFF;
DDRK = 0x1F;
*screen.digit1 = 0;
*screen.digit2 = 1;
*screen.digit3 = 2;
*screen.digit4 = 3;
*screen.digit5 = 4;
attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(2), blink, CHANGE);
void loop() {
// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
void blink() {
state = !state;