from machine import ADC, Pin
import time
# Initialize the ADC and LED
ldr = ADC(0) # ADC0 (GP26)
led = Pin(15, Pin.OUT) # GP15
# Threshold for low illumination
threshold = 30000
# Initial LDR value
previous_ldr_value = ldr.read_u16()
while True:
# Read the LDR value
ldr_value = ldr.read_u16()
# Check if the illumination is low
if ldr_value < threshold:
led.on() # Turn on the LED
else: # Turn off the LED
# Print LDR value only if it has changed
if ldr_value != previous_ldr_value:
print("LDR Value:", ldr_value)
previous_ldr_value = ldr_value
# Wait for a short period