#include "stm32l0xx_hal.h"  //Include the HAL library for STM32L0xx series

int main()
  HAL_Init(); //Initialize HAL library, configure the system clock
  GPIO_InitTypeDef GPIOStruct; //Initialize GPIO structure for LED pin
  GPIOStruct.Pin=GPIO_PIN_4; // Configure GPIO pin PA4 as output
  GPIOStruct.Mode=GPIO_MODE_OUTPUT_PP; //Push-pull output
  GPIOStruct.Pull=GPIO_NOPULL; //No pull-up/pull-down
  HAL_GPIO_Init(GPIOA, &GPIOStruct);  //Initializes GPIO Port A with the settings specified in GPIO_InitStruct. In this case, it configures PA5 as an output pin according to the specified parameters.
  //Infinite loop to blink the LED
  while (1){
     HAL_GPIO_TogglePin(GPIOA, GPIO_PIN_4); // Toggle the LED state
     HAL_Delay(500); // Delay for 500 milliseconds