// 27 July 2024.
// There is a problem with the dependencies, see:
//   https://wokwi.com/projects/404566441698707457
// That problem is solved by uploading all the source files
// and fixing the includes.
// The files are taken from the library at 27 July 2024.
// Sketch taken from: 
//   https://github.com/forntoh/LcdMenu/tree/master/examples/Basic

 Basic Menu



#include <LiquidCrystal_I2C.h>
#include "LcdMenu.h"
#include "commandProccesors.h"

#define LCD_ROWS 2
#define LCD_COLS 16

// Configure keyboard keys (ASCII)
#define UP 56     // NUMPAD 8
#define DOWN 50   // NUMPAD 2
#define ENTER 53  // NUMPAD 5
#define BACK 55   // NUMPAD 7

// Initialize the main menu items
    ITEM_BASIC("Start service"),
    ITEM_BASIC("Connect to WiFi"),
    ITEM_BASIC("Blink SOS"),
    ITEM_BASIC("Blink random")
// Construct the LcdMenu
LcdMenu menu(LCD_ROWS, LCD_COLS);

void setup() {
    // Initialize LcdMenu with the menu items
    menu.setupLcdWithMenu(0x27, mainMenu);

void loop() {
    if (!Serial.available()) return;
    char command = Serial.read();

    processMenuCommand(menu, command, UP, DOWN, ENTER, BACK);
The LcdMenu library as local files