// Forum: https://forum.arduino.cc/t/vsnprintf-random-core-panic/1286637
// This Wokwi project: https://wokwi.com/projects/404875843203421185
// Note: This is not good code.
//       FreeRTOS is a pre-emptive multitasking system.
//       A change of the active task can happen during the
//       writing of a variable.
//       Turning off the interrupts in the loop() is not enough.
//       A semaphore/mutex should be used.

// Enable or disable the WDEBUG
#define WDEBUG

// The maximum wind for 3.3V.
#define SENSOR_MAX 30.0

// Temperature / Windspeed value indicating a sensor failure.
// A value above 5000 is invalid.
#define INVALID (6000.0)        

// ESP32 board pin where LM35DZ sensor is connected
const int temperaturePin = 33;

// SN-30000-FSJT-V05 windspeed sensor is connected
const int windspeedPin = 34;

// Global variables that are updated in the tasks.
volatile double windspeed   = INVALID;
volatile double temperature = INVALID;

void setup() 

  xTaskCreate(windspeed_task  , "Wind"       , 8000, NULL, 1, NULL);
  xTaskCreate(temperature_task, "Temperature", 8000, NULL, 1, NULL);

// The loop() is a FreeRTOS task,
// running at priority 1.
void loop() 
  // Turning off the interrupts is not enough for valid data.
  double wCopy = windspeed;
  double tCopy = temperature;

  Serial.printf("LOOP windspeed = %.2lf, temperature = %.2lf\r\n", wCopy, tCopy);

void windspeed_task(void *arg) 
    int raw = analogRead(windspeedPin);
    double v = (double) raw / 4096.0 * 3.3;
    double s = v / 3.3 * SENSOR_MAX;

    // update the global variable
    windspeed = s;

#ifdef WDEBUG
    Serial.printf("WIND windspeed = %.2lf                      (voltage = %.2lf)\r\n",s,v);


void temperature_task(void *arg) 
    int raw = analogRead(temperaturePin);
    double v = (double)raw / 4096.0 * 3.3; 
    double t = v * 100.0; // 0.32v = 32 degrees Celsius

    // update the global variable
    temperature = t;

#ifdef WDEBUG
    Serial.printf("TEMP                   temperature = %.2lf (voltage = %.2lf)\r\n",t,v);

    // Anything above 35 degrees is suspicous but OK.
    // Above 99 is steam.
    if(t > 100.0)
      Serial.printf("TEMP Sensor failure?\r\n");
