from machine import Pin
from neopixel import NeoPixel

from time import sleep
import random

# pin = Pin(13, Pin.OUT) # GPIO13
pin = Pin(23, Pin.OUT) # GPIO23
np = NeoPixel(pin, 16) # NeoPixel Ring 16

ring = [0 for _ in range(16)]
direction = random.choice(['left', 'right'])
x = 4

def step():
    global x
    global direction
    if direction == 'left':
        x = max(0, x - 1)
        if x == 0:
            direction = 'right'
    elif direction == 'right':
        x = min(15, x + 1)
        if x == 15:
            direction = 'left'
    for i in range(16):
        ring[i] = max(0, ring[i] - 10)  # Fade out all positions
    ring[x] = 100  # Mark the new position

def paint():
    for i in range(16):
        value = ring[i]
        np[i] = (0, value, 0)
    np.write() # Update the LED strip

def walk(steps):
    for _ in range(steps):
