/* Header
  Writing a code 

// Gobal Variables and Pin declaration
// Pins we are going to use?
// voltage reading variable
int VoltReading;  // currently no value 
// other option 
// int VoltReading = 0;
// '=' --> assignment --> reads left to right

//Pins declaration
int LEDPin = 8;

void setup() {
  // put your setup code here, to run once:
  // need to endable our pin 
  // LED pin --> power out --> actuator -> digital
  // Actuator --> output
  pinMode (LEDPin, OUTPUT);
  void loop(){

  //how to view values --> debugging 
  //print values --> serial monitor and serial plotter 
  Serial.begin(9600); //starts serial monitoring 
  //always 9600 - baud rate

  //turn LED on | digital pin | output 
  // digital  | write 
  digitalWrite(LEDPin, HIGH);
  //HIGH - 5v - 1
  //LOW - 0v - 0

  //measure voltages --> collecting values --> sensor 
  //sensor READ --> analog signal
  VoltReading = analogRead(A0);
  //10-bit --> 0 and 1023: 0 and 5V

//Serial.print(" | ");


